How to make a happy instructor


Final Approach
Feb 18, 2010
Dallas, Texas
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This student of mine soloed this week. He actually hadn't flown for a month due to schedules and weather, but he was ready to solo the last time we flew, and we did about 6 patterns before I got out.

His first landing was pretty good. The second landing was this:

I was impressed!

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LOL! A new twist for the "should I video my flights with my CFI" thread!
Ditto for me too (video private) was looking forward to seeing it
Private Pilot...Private Video...
Nicely done!! I hardly ever land that smoothly and I've been flying for 28 years! :mad2:
I couldn't tell - what type of airplane? The Skycatcher?
I couldn't tell - what type of airplane? The Skycatcher?
It's an LSA called an "Apollo Fox." It's basically a Kitfox and I really like the bird. It's a little more demanding than a 172, it's $20/hr cheaper to rent and I'm happy with the way the students learn in it. It can handle a real decent crosswind, too! I've had it in direct 15 KT crosswinds before.

Dave White here is a dealer for the aircraft...

Right now the Cub is down for some maintenance and it may be a few weeks before it's operational again. :(

Initial solo flights to landing are not required to be full stop and return to the runway? I had thought that was a requirement, and that touch and goes were not part of the equation.

He did an excellent job too!
Initial solo flights to landing are not required to be full stop and return to the runway? I had thought that was a requirement, and that touch and goes were not part of the equation.

He did an excellent job too!
It depends on the student. I've required some to be full stop. Others, like this guy have displayed enough good judgment to be allowed a bit more... We had a serious discussion about conditions for a touch and go, and if he meets those conditions, he's OK to do them.

How to keep your instructor happy?
Do your homework. If I say, study this and we'll discuss it next lesson, and you show up and have not read the material, you are not ready for the lesson. You are wasting my time.

In the soaring club we do not charge for CFI time, but maybe we should.
Initial solo flights to landing are not required to be full stop and return to the runway? I had thought that was a requirement, and that touch and goes were not part of the equation.

He did an excellent job too!
I have my students do touch and goes on their first solo. Full stop just isn't that practical at a busier class c airport and causes you to often not get many landings in costing a lot of money and wasting time.