How much static is normal?


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Oct 27, 2014
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2 nav/comm radios, a 430W and a TKM MX300.
The 430 has pretty good reception, but on channels like 122.8, 122.9, and certain Boston App/Center frequencies, there is constant static that the squelch won't tune out on auto-squelch mode. Is this normal? Its very annoying to have to listen to static on a volume high enough to hear the controllers when getting flight following.

On the TKM, I always hear what sounds like a far away radio station playing music, with a lot of static. It has this background noise before I had the 430 installed. The used 430 was installed last year with a 330ES transponder.

When someone is transmitting and I'm using either radio, it picks them up clearly. The TKM isn't as clear as the 430, but still works reasonably well.

I still have a garmin GPS antenna and another garmin antenna mounted on my dash that came with the plane for a 496 GPS that used to be mounted on the yoke. I don't use that anymore since I have the 430 and GDL39 for ADSB in. The 496 used to pick up music via one of the two antennas on the dash, which has me thinking I should just pull them out.

Not sure if the problems are related. Reading the thread about the ELT, I may try pulling the batteries on the ELT and going to a test flight.

Other things I should try? I found the setup screen for the 430 (hold down the ENT key while it boots up), but have no idea how to adjust the squelch on the screens that show up. And i don't want to mess anything up.

I also has a spare TKM I could swap in to see if the music problem goes away.

This is leading me to miss some radio calls, and I'm sure its damaging my hearing more by listening to static while I'm flying.
Had the same exact issue - had to send the 430 back in to Garmin - they upgraded to the 430W and the avionics shop also had to do a bunch of noise filtering and stuff, and even switched which radio was using which antenna. They said they it is not an uncommon issue - maybe 1 out of 5 to 1 out of 8 430W's get that sort if interference/squelch/static issues.

I had continued (but different) issues - but it was on just about any frequency. Currently have my ELT uninstalled as that is supposedly another culprit as well.
Thanks. Most channels the auto-squelch on the 430 works fine. Static is a problem on popular channels like 122.8 and 122.9.
And I really don't want to have the plane down for maintenance again. It was down for a month for an annual (where they screwed stuff up, making it take longer and we missed Oshkosh). I'll call the avionics shop to see what they think, but they're probably crazy busy with the adsb $500 rebate stuff.
Mine was actually happening on any or all channels - and the static would continue even during and after a frequency change. If it's only happening on the popular channels it may indeed just be a sensitivity adjustment - but I'm not sure how that is accomplished.