How is this board being supported?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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Who is paying for the web hosting/server/software, etc. This board is very similar to a motorcycle group I belong to, and the owner has a "fund raiser" every now and then to pay for the costs of keeping the community going. Most members contribute some now and then to help.

Do you (we) need such help to keep this going?

Bill Jennings
Well I suppose I can't keep dodging this question forever, can I? Ok - this will be a long answer. Everyone get your pillows and get comfie!

Right now, PoA is privately, funded by the management team. The licence for the forum software is bought and paid for, except for the spell-checker, which still has some time on the evaluation period before we make a commitment. When the software and hosting arrangements were made, to be honest, we weren't thinking further ahead than a week or two - just in terms of viability of the site.

Where we stand now
We have a one year, upgradable contract with a reliable hosting provider and are getting a very good deal, frankly. Currently we're on shared server, and the cost to date has been little more than a few hours of flying time, but as PoA continues to grow we'll need to consider upgrading to a more expensive solution capable of handling the increased traffic and data volumes.

Future Plans
PoA will *always* be a free community to join and use the forums. However, as we move forward, there may be some services which we add or limit to "Sponsors". Examples of some services which might be regulated or added on a cost basis would be:
  • Custom titles set by the user
  • Larger avatars/profile pictures
  • Larger "Private message" space
  • Pilots of America based email addresses
  • Signature limits
  • Classified Ads
  • and more...
In other words - Frills.

But first...
Before we move in that direction, there are a number of things which need to happen behind the scenes first. When the Management Team is ready, we will consider ways to allow the users to contribute without lessening the overall PoA experience, exposing ourselves to legal issues, or more importantly, exposing our potential paying users to legal issues.

So while we deeply appreciate the generous offers we have been receiving, both openly and in private, at this time we simply must decline, but knowing the offers are out there has been very encouraging and that encouragement allows us to continue thinking in longer and longer terms about the future of this site.

Thank you all very much!

Chuck "Greebo" Haeberle
o.b.o. The Pilots of America Management Team
Go ahead and post your addresses, I want to send one of you a 'thank you card' and I bet others would too.
Let'sgoflying! said:
Go ahead and post your addresses, I want to send one of you a 'thank you card' and I bet others would too.


10 characters
Bill Jennings said:

Who is paying for the web hosting/server/software, etc. This board is very similar to a motorcycle group I belong to, and the owner has a "fund raiser" every now and then to pay for the costs of keeping the community going. Most members contribute some now and then to help.

Do you (we) need such help to keep this going?

Bill Jennings

I've been wondering about that as well...

I was going to email Chuck to ask, but you've launched the preemptive strike :)
Teerawood said:
you know what would be awesome? if we had a POA meet at an airport.. lol
Well, we are having a fly-in for everyone here; it's at Gaston's this June. Is that what you meant? I'm going to post more about it later. I figured everyone was already tired of hearing me talk about it. ;)
Teerawood said:
oh.. thats neat... kinda far for me though..
Your profile doesn't list an address, and maybe you want to keep it that way. The Gaston's fly-in has a web site Chip is maintaining that has a map showing the locations of people coming. (see:

Maybe you can hitch a ride ...
Thanx for setting this forum up. I am so fed up with apoa, there are alot of Jerks
to deal with and as you know the server SUCKS! I have let me membership lapse this month and have no intention on renewing. Just found you here, i dont often post but will be reading the posts.. Hope all goes well..........Blue Skys........KD
cherokeeflyboy said:
I have let me membership lapse this month and have no intention on renewing.


Note that the AOPA Webboard is only one very small thing provided by AOPA. Probably the biggest thing they provide is a voice for General Aviation. Your membership in AOPA provides a lot of benefit. I've used the medical desk once or twice and have used the general toll free help line many times. I used it very often right after 9-11 when airports near nukes were closed. While on the surface it appears that they are not making much progress with the TSA I think they are trying their darndest. AOPA needs us as members and we need AOPA as a solidifying voice for GA.

I agree with everything you posted and used to feel the same way.
I probabaly should not flame aopa with out explaining. Just bothers me the way that AOPA spends the members dues.1.) I get mail just about every day trying to sell me something. (Frome AOPA.) if this is the case with 200,000 people, that is ALOT of wasted money.2.)The web board cost can not be cheap, it is a waste of money. There was some moneys spent for aviation training scholorships. This is great but only a very few qualify to apply. IF I wanted my money going there i would give it directly to the school myself. I could go on but i think you might get the picture, Just not for ME anymore. Regards...KD
I'm with Len on this. AOPA does a LOT of good.....
Amen to that! AOPA has been of tremendous value to me since I started getting "Flight Training". They do some very vital work on behalf of the Aviation Community.

This forum is absolutely not intended as a slam against or to be in competition to AOPA and the valuable services they provide. Discussion of the creation of a new Aviation Community site began when concern was very high that AOPA might close their forum. When AOPA put out the survey, and concern about closure was decreased, those of us who were discussing creating a new site still felt that there was sufficient interest in creating an Aviation Community site which operated with a mildly controlled atmosphere. So we went ahead with our plans to open.

Fortunately, we were right. In two weeks we've grown to 214 users and have an average of 200+ posts a day over that first two weeks. That's a phenomenal start for a new website, and we're glad that we can provide a place for our users to come and chat and share aviation stories, get information they need and share information with others. In the coming months we've got ideas about how to add more value as a Virtual $100 Hamburger stop. But we're equally glad that we've got AOPA to go to when we need help with the serious issues that face pilots and aircraft owners every day.

Safe and happy flying!