How is Colorado (Front range)


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Ive been there, just wondering about fires/smoke etc.

Planning a getaway tomorrow.
Ca is out; fires/smoke
Az/Ut also smoke I hear
ID maybe (pushing it on distance anyway)

How is COS area?
I can see the metars but getting a good and real world description of the sky/air/ambience is posing a challenge.
Isn't it snowing in Colorado?
Nah...that was Tues/Wed. This weekend, temps in the Denver area in the 80s, clear and sunny. Well, as clear as it can be with the California smoke coming this way. Check the forecasts.
Isn't it snowing in Colorado?

You have to get weather reports every 30 minutes for Denver and the front range. It changes with that frequency. ;)

Where I am, further north, it snowed last Sunday and its going to be 86 deg today. Gawd knows why I live here...
There is a monumental amount of smoke that is only now starting to reverse course from coastal/OR/WA/CA inland areas and offshore back towards the east (following our rare strong easterly wind storm last week that blew it mostly into the western valleys and offshore). ID/WY/CO are all in the crosshairs next. This mass was all the way out to about 1500 miles off the pacific coast a day or two ago, so there are several days yet before the non-coastal western states get relief, at least as best as I can tell. I'd imagine the dual lifting action of the cascades/sierras and rockies will throw that stuff up higher in the atmosphere than it currently is here in extreme NW WA, but still gonna be smoky soon or already. Right now we are at 1/2 mile vis in mixed heavy smoke and fog at the surface, down from about a mile viz on Friday when I last flew. I think further south PDX and EUG are sitting around 1/8 mile in pure smoke. Got rapidly worse here yesterday as said mass of smoke began rolling back eastward.....though it has been much worse than here in OR/CA for a week or more.
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Sympathy to those suffering through fires, or the effects of... however I got very lucky with my pick of places to visit; it is gorgeous here right now.


^ Nice! We got a smoke/fog rain today, which was kinda nice. Hasn't smelled like smoke for a few hours now. I'm guessing more will move in overnight now that it has stopped. Apparently this "front" was too weak and just maintained the inversion/low level wind status quo. Next hope is that Friday brings a much stronger front to flush it all out from W to E. I can't really complain, our air has been far better than OR or SW WA, but it is starting to feel like a really slow roll to doomsday at the moment.
After a fun-filled couple of days in Co Springs, I flew SSW to climb above terrain to the west of kcos, then went past Salida & Gunnison and Montrose, descending into Moab.
There was a benign sct layer around 12,000 for part of it and it was spewing some virga. I dodged the worst of it, and the higher peaks. No major turbulence, but it was not smooth.

There be some stunning terrain in that area, but it is a part of the country that deserves all your attention and respect if you are piloting across it. Tue was a benign day - I cannot imagine flying over these mountains in weather. And if weather was not a problem, a forced landing could have been ugly, for much of that leg.

If I was young and knew about this, I would have made my start in Colorado or Utah.
The people there live in the world's largest and most fun playground imaginable!
(Possibly Cali/PNW are similar, but there are things about Co/Ut that call to me).
The outdoors is completely unmatched, and the locals truly embrace it.
I spent many of my getaway hours in the woods/desert, on hills or rocks scanning the vistas this trip. (I went up Pikes Peak, hiked 7 Falls, the cos zoo, drove into the mountains on a scenic loop, rode a cable car, in Moab; Canyonlands and the Arches)
UT in particular is one of the coolest places ever......aside from PNW. So is like 1/3 of CO, but the rest might as well be Kansas.