How do parents do it?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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I hereby stipulate that parents deserve sainthood.

Last night I walked over to do business with the neighbor with 4 kids. The 2 boys and Mom from across the street were there and they were playing a video game on the big screen.

We talked as we could between interruptions.

I was there for 10 minutes when my head started throbbing.

I wonder how humans make it alive to adulthood. :cheerswine:
The Keys to Successful Parenting

1) Remember you are raising adults, not kids.
2) Respect first, friendship second.
3) Multitask like hell.
4) Drink heavily.

Ever hear them talk about how brilliant their kids are? There can only be one reason for this, the parents have gone stupid!!! deaf too!!

;) ;)
Its a very difficult thing to do, especailly when there is more than one and the parents are NOT willing to discipline them. However, I have seen good, respectful, well behaved kids, so it can be done.
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Not a parent, but I enjoy shattering the illusions of small children. Especially ones who are screaming and crying about how something isn't fair. I look them straight in the eye and say, "Yep, life isn't fair." and grin. Boy do they cry louder after that. :D
The Keys to Successful Parenting

1) Remember you are raising adults, not kids.
2) Respect first, friendship second.
3) Multitask like hell.
4) Drink heavily.


Most rewarding thing I've ever done. Mine are 6, 4, 2, and 7 weeks.



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Not a parent, but I enjoy shattering the illusions of small children. Especially ones who are screaming and crying about how something isn't fair. I look them straight in the eye and say, "Yep, life isn't fair." and grin. Boy do they cry louder after that. :D

LOL! I just tell them there is NO Santa, NO Easter Bunny and that the Tooth Fairy is a child molester for money!
Kids are great, when they are 40 & 38, with kids of their own...

Barring any tragedy, they will grow up.
LOL! I just tell them there is NO Santa, NO Easter Bunny and that the Tooth Fairy is a child molester for money!

We are so going to hell. Or would be. If it existed. ;)


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We are so going to hell. Or would be. If it existed. ;)

Getting my asbestos suit ready now. I never had kids, but I helped raise one and was close to a family with three kids, all BRATS. Torment is my middle name. :D
LOL! I just tell them there is NO Santa, NO Easter Bunny and that the Tooth Fairy is a child molester for money!
I remember telling my parents there was no Santa Claus. They were pretty disappointed...
They're all young.

My Mom said that, "God gave children to young people for a reason..."

I thought about that TV ad,"The best thing about the grandchildren visiting is, afterwards, they leave."

My variation is, "I love talking to the kids. I love that I get to leave."
We talked as we could between interruptions.

I was there for 10 minutes when my head started throbbing.

I wonder how humans make it alive to adulthood. :cheerswine:

Having raised 3 daughters (28, 28, & 31) now I can tell you letting them inturupt is the 1st mistake. :no:

Like Ken said; "You are raising adults, not kids". :yes:

Granted there are times when the kids take over and that is fine once in a while (it's good for their character to win), but NOT when you have company.

Respect is earned, and if not I threatened them with bodily harm! :fcross:
Having raised 3 daughters (28, 28, & 31) now I can tell you letting them inturupt is the 1st mistake. :no:
The only one interruption was the oldest son running up with "Dad! Can I bla, bla !!!" Many were "Brad! Get off the ...!" and "Johnny is in the bathroom..."

(I don't even know all the kids names.)

The funniest thing is the first time I had been in the house when we were helping him hang the HDTV, the other neighbor made it clear that everything had to be just so or Mom would go ballistic. I asked how you can have standards like that when you have kids, since I had to lower mine just having the dog.

So earlier this week I was out front with some kids visiting and Pancho romping with them when Mom was walking the two littler kids by in strollers. She had never met Pancho before. She mentioned something about how the dog sheds in the house, and I said you had to lower your sanitation standards slightly and told her I didn't know how she did it with kids. :D

Last night their place was about how I would expect it to be. I mentioned to her previously it must be like painting a bridge where you once you reach the end you start all over.

Another case of they're lucky they're young.
Man, JD, you're gonna need a 421 soon.... I am Sooooo very glad that I am an empty nester. It still was very rewarding. Now I just write huge checks and monitor the visa card.....
Some observations/ramblings (Parent of three, now grandparent of one)

  • Parents who "reason" with two year olds are as dumb as they seem.
  • Tantrums are only allowable once. Subsequent tantrums are the parent's fault.
  • Somebody better have the long view in mind, and teenagers rarely have that capacity.
  • Things don't replace love.
  • Respect is earned, and must be mutual.
  • There is hierarchy, based on role and respect.
  • Never let children play one parent against the other.
  • Never get into a shouting match with a child.
  • If the parents disagree, discuss it in private, away from the children, to reach consensus.
  • People who think thier child can do no wrong are intentionally raising misfits.
  • Boys fight -- it's ok -- as long as they learn alternative means to solve problems eventually.
  • Boys wrestle, break stuff -- it's OK -- stuff is replaceable.
  • Girls are easier early, get harder as they age.
  • Boys are easier as they get older.
  • Teenagers test -- constantly -- it's not about you -- it's all about them.
Some observations/ramblings (Parent of three, now grandparent of one)

  • Parents who "reason" with two year olds are as dumb as they seem.
  • Tantrums are only allowable once. Subsequent tantrums are the parent's fault.
  • Somebody better have the long view in mind, and teenagers rarely have that capacity.
  • Things don't replace love.
  • Respect is earned, and must be mutual.
  • There is hierarchy, based on role and respect.
  • Never let children play one parent against the other.
  • Never get into a shouting match with a child.
  • If the parents disagree, discuss it in private, away from the children, to reach consensus.
  • People who think thier child can do no wrong are intentionally raising misfits.
  • Boys fight -- it's ok -- as long as they learn alternative means to solve problems eventually.
  • Boys wrestle, break stuff -- it's OK -- stuff is replaceable.
  • Girls are easier early, get harder as they age.
  • Boys are easier as they get older.
  • Teenagers test -- constantly -- it's not about you -- it's all about them.

If you wrote all that you're far wiser than I.
My babies are 21 and 16. One has been easy, the other has been "interesting" and quite a challenge. Same parents, same demographics, completely different types of people. I don't want to take all the blame for the one that makes questionable choices so I don't take all the credit for the one who follows the straight and narrow path.
Man, JD, you're gonna need a 421 soon.... I am Sooooo very glad that I am an empty nester. It still was very rewarding. Now I just write huge checks and monitor the visa card.....

I'm working on it. Having a bit of trouble with the +$100k/yr for care and feeding.

I hereby stipulate that parents deserve sainthood.

Last night I walked over to do business with the neighbor with 4 kids. The 2 boys and Mom from across the street were there and they were playing a video game on the big screen.

We talked as we could between interruptions.

I was there for 10 minutes when my head started throbbing.

I wonder how humans make it alive to adulthood. :cheerswine:

Fortunately, nature allows one to adapt to the situation. I've grown a tube that runs from one ear directly to the other, so the noise just passes right through. I don't even notice anymore.

That, and the booze. Gotta have the booze.
I've got two - 31 (almost 32) and 28. They had their moments growing up. But now they'll see some kid acting up in a store and comment that they would never have gotten away with that. Oh, so true!

I'm still waiting for the grandkids...
Skylar, if she isn't yet, she will will be the cause of most of your troubles in a few years.....:ihih:

I just found out she gave the neighbor kid a peck on the school bus. I wanted to go throw the little bast.....


I'm so screwed. :dunno:

Cute kids - everyone!

I have to resurrect this. I was exposed to children over the weekend. 3 years and 17 months - boys. Ohmigod. My friend just looks so tired. She enjoys being at work now. She had number one at 41 and thought that was it, being 41 and all. Nope, a year and a half later - out pops the second one. They are really healthy kids so that is great (always a worry when you are over 40).

I will say my niece and nephew are pistols but are not wild banshee handfuls like the two this weekend. On the other hand, my niece/nephew live out in the country with horses and dogs and cats and everything and they spend a lot of time outside - these little boys are suburban kids and I'm not sure they go outside ever. Their toys this weekend were karaoke mikes with long bendy cords attached. And they were marching around whipping those things around - I thought, ya know, someone's going to lose an eye over this.