Houston-Area Pilots - New Web Forum


Pattern Altitude
Apr 11, 2007
Houston, TX
Display Name

Display name:
PJ Gustafson
Well, this is an announcement for everyone, but especially for those who fly in, out, or through the Houston area. Some friends of mine have launched a new web site called http://www.houstonpilots.net. This site will feature information about transiting the Houston Class B airspace, information and links to the various Houston-area airports, links and contact information for various Houston-area FBO's, Flight Schools, Flying Clubs, and other aviation businesses, and a forum for you to network with other pilots from the same area!

Now, this is NOT intended to take anyone away from POA... please continue contributing to this wonderful place if you also sign up for HP.net. The people who started this are not active POA'ers, just friends of mine who also live and fly in this area.

So, please come check it out, and sign up if you'd like! Enjoy!
Great news, PJ-

A site like this in no way detracts from PoA's mission; I participate in the DFWPilots.com board here, too.

I'll check in there from time to time, and I'll recommend it to others...


...you promise to send those guys here, too!
Thanks, Spike. I said what I did to avoid a big b****fest like what happened when the Purple Board was launched. I emailed the website admins to include links to POA and DFWPilots.com.
Guess I missed that b****fest!


I like the availability of a local board, where the area is populous enough to support it, and the Houston are is perfect for that.
I just joined HP under the username of Golden Ghost.
Yall can look forward to my Flight Lesson reports hear at POA, as well a on HP.
Too bad, we couldn't just have a Houston sub-forum for y'all.
Just registered - thanks PJ
Too bad, we couldn't just have a Houston sub-forum for y'all.

The forum is only part of the HP.net site, albeit a major part. We plan to have pages of local resources, contact sheets, event calendars, photo albums, and much more. We might have been able to do it as a sub-forum here, but Jesse and the MC already have enough to do here, and we like having total control over our own site.