Hit a deer last night while on the bike...


Line Up and Wait
Aug 2, 2012
Montpelier, OH
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Very lucky. Banged up ribs and hand, sctratches, bruises and abrasions. Deer lived and ran away. Harley is trashed and is one that I just finished building this past Spring. Guess I get to build her again.

Pic of my hand...not sure it'll be operating an Archer throttle or radio anytime soon.

Always worried about deer when I'm out in the styx. Remind me not to ride a bike in the country at night. Hope the rebuild isn't too bad.
Damn, sorry to hear. I don't ride at night much anymore, mainly because of deer.
Stupid giant tasty rats...

Good luck with your hand. I have hit a few things on bikes but thankfully never a deer.

There is a video online of a guy at Summit Point WV on track hitting a deer at well over 100mph a couple years ago. Deer was sliced in pieces and the guy crashed hard but lived. There was fur parts and bike parts everywhere.

I never want to hit one on a bike or a plane.

Glad you're around to tell the story. Almost been in that predicament myself a few times.
Ouch. When I was out doing marathon training one of my buddies (a marine corps general) got struck by a deer on foot.
I lucked out in my riding. Had plenty of close encounters with Bambi, but always managed to avoid him.
I was always worried about that in PA. Don't ride at night anymore. Glad that you're here to write about it.
Three years ago the fella on the next farm hit a deer on his Harley.
Neither survived.
Seems a guy gets killed every year or more often in WI by hitting a deer. It's mostly at night, but not always. Glad you came through fairly well.

My closest call was almost hitting a large owl at night back in the 70's on my 1971 CB-750. It swooped by while I was doing 60 or so.
Sorry to hear that Wade. Hope you heal up quickly.
Sorry to hear this and glad you survived. I don't ride anything motorized but have been closer than I'd like to deer in a car. Here in VT you have to worry about moose as well - there are signs along the interstate in a few places.
Ouch. I hit one when I was driving an SUV at dusk one evening. Several thousand dollars of damage - it could have been worse. Nearly hit one landing the plane at KHAO one night.

Hope you recover quickly!
Bummer on the ride but glad you are OK.

Good luck with recouperation and the rebuild.

One day I got up at about 3:00 a.m. because I couldn't sleep after getting home from an extended stay in Asia, so I decided to ride my motorcycle on the nearby mountain roads.

Bad, bad, bad mistake. As soon as I got out of town and in to the twisting mountain road, all I could see in my headlights were deer just standing in the roadway. I did a U turn and went home.

Dawn and dusk the the riskiest times.

I caught a bird once, on the left side of my full face helmet. It almost knocked me off the bike.

Glad you are Ok, now repair the bike the way you wanted to the first time. And not a good way to recover from a recent check ride..:lol::lol:
Driving one very early morning in the cage in the styx I ran over some fort of rapidly moving quadruped, can't really say what kind. It thumped the cage pretty good. Would have crashed the bike. Not for me thanks.
Am I the only one who saw the headline and thought you were on a bicycle?
Glad you're ok. I see an average of one dead deer a month on my commute. Never seen one hit by a bike but seen plenty of smashed cars and the like.
Yeah probably.

Bike = motorcycle
Bicycle = bicycle


Maybe it's a red state blue state thing, but here bike lanes are for bicycles, not motorcycles. If I bike to work, my colleagues will expect that I pedaled from home. Then again, there are parts of the country were adults don't really ride bicycles, so they might assume bike=motorcycle.
Glad you are not more seriously hurt...
Maybe it's a red state blue state thing

Or maybe not! I also bicycle commute a good bit, and will do so almost exclusively once our move downtown is complete. I can't wait, we will be getting out of vehicles and walking/biking a large percentage of the time.
Don't waste your money on a lottery ticket. You've used up your luck this week. You're still breathing. I was out on a charity run a few weeks ago and the guy directly behind me hit a deer. Didn't have a chance. Killed him instantly.
Get well, soonest.
Before I moved for work, I was in my town's FD for 13 years, so I have some experience with motorcycle mishaps. All I'm going to say is be thankful that your femur is in one piece.
Glad to see you're o.k.

We've got feral hogs down here too.

I've seen them crossing the road at night maybe thirty of them in a line. You couldn't pay me to ride at night. :nonod:
Glad you're ok, I've had two close friends hit deer and end up in the ICU, both recovered and still ride. On both occasions it was daytime.

I've hit several over the years, all with pickups, of course this is in southern Iowa where they're thicker than fleas. All during daylight. Can't recall ever having a close call hitting one with the Harley's, just lucky I guess.
I'm glad you're okay. It could have been much worse.

I also thank you for derailing my most recent bout of thoughts about getting a motorcycle license. This time I got as far as downloading the learner's permit application and finding a two-day course not far from me. Now I can put that off again. There are a lot of deer infesting my neck of the woods, and many of them are suicidal, causing them to leap into the path of oncoming traffic.

Maybe we need a crisis hotline for deer. You know, like those phones they put on the side of bridges with the signs that say, "LIFE IS WORTH LIVING! CALL US NOW! WE CARE!" That sort of thing. Maybe a friendly voice on the other end saying, "We're listening, deer," would help reduce these problems.
