Highway Accident N/A


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Harley Reich
Some Guys Just Live Right.....Or God Has A Different Plan In Store !!! Check the Photo.
Man hits guard rail and flips end over end, right over the culvert. Do you think he had an angel on his shoulder or what? Then check the second picture in my follow-up!!



  • Accident1.jpg
    182.6 KB · Views: 67
I've seen the pictures before, but thought he came from the left of the picture. WOW!

Do you have any links to a news story or knowledge of the incident or anything like that? There's something... Photoshoppy about the second pic.
Driving pickups is just downright dangerous. They ought to outlaw them. I certainly wouldn't want to ride in one. Were they talking to authorities and get permission to drive that close to the edge?
Negative; sorry. The shots came to me (EMail) from a lawyer(whose credibility is never a question) friend of mine. I'm unaware of his source.

INFORMATION ADDED: I "saved" each photo. However that in itself took some time because I got a signal that the file was not recognized. I had to open each with "Other/Image," and then Save(d) As a .jpg. There were no other file changes on "my" end.

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Driving pickups is just downright dangerous. They ought to outlaw them. I certainly wouldn't want to ride in one. Were they talking to authorities and get permission to drive that close to the edge?

Wouldn't have happened if traffic control had radar!
Were they talking to authorities and get permission to drive that close to the edge?

And, that measly gas tax ain't enough, those pickups need to be paying for those services just like the big rigs. Want to use traffic lights, pay up. Want to use the interstate, pay up.
Wasn't saying you photoshopped it, just that someone, somewhere along the line might have.

I think Greg wrote that he'd seen the pictures before. Yup; I just saw them posted on the Red Board, by Frank Holbert, on February 04. That was ahead of me by three days. (shows you how often I'm on the Red Board)

"Look at picture #1 first". is the Thread on the Red Board.

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Looks almost like someone else wasn't so lucky....or blessed.

I was thinking the same thing, seeing as there is a pile of debris at the bottom of the cliff. However, it all looks like its centered directly under the mouth of the culvert. Perhaps the water washes through all the junk someone leaves at the other side of the highway.

Or, access is easily gained to the other side of the culvert and folks walk under the roadway and dump stuff over the edge.

Don't know, just a thought.
Well then why don't you put another shrimp on the barbee and have a Fosters, That's Australian for beer mate!

Aussies think the same about Fosters as Mexicans think about Coronas, it's for idiot foreiners who don't know anything about beer. Sad thing, in both cases their right. Crown Lager, Coopers Red, Toohey's New, and Carlton Draft are my preferences for Aussie beer in that order. Carlton also makes Carlton Black which is a nice dark.
Aussies think the same about Fosters as Mexicans think about Coronas, it's for idiot foreiners who don't know anything about beer. Sad thing, in both cases their right. Crown Lager, Coopers Red, Toohey's New, and Carlton Draft are my preferences for Aussie beer in that order. Carlton also makes Carlton Black which is a nice dark.
I once made the mistake of buying Heineken for a Berliner.
:hairraise: :hairraise: :hairraise: :hairraise: :hairraise: WHAT were you thinking? You're usually safe with Becks if you can't find Henninger.:D
Naive, I guess. If you don't drink it in a crystal glass with a stem, I don't know what it is.
Recently posted on the snopes chat about the photos (thanks for the link, Lisa):

I e-mailed the Hurricane Police Department, and here is the response I got:

The photos are consistent with a single vehicle traffic accident that occurred on State Route 59 in Hurricane City on 12/30/06. Hurricane City Police and Hurricane City Fire Rescue responded to the scene.

Sergeant Jerod Brisk

Hurricane City Police Department

I wrote a follow-up to see if Sgt. Brisk could tell me if the actual accident at all resembled the fantastic tale that is attached to the circulating e-mail. I am waiting for a reply.



Here is his response.

Because of (GRAMA) government records access and management act, I am not able to give you details about the investigation.

Sergeant Jerod Brisk
Hurricane City Police Department


They also have a satellite photo of the likely location. It seems that the final truck location is real, but nobody knows for sure how it got there. Speculation is that it may have slid along the rail over the culvert before tumbling down the other side (note the broken post on the railing above the culvert).
