Hi all, looking for a pilot in Northern California

As to the rest that you claim is wrong we're going to have to agree to disagree.

I claim as wrong? It is fact. You guys love to be in charge don't you...
I jump at a dz that does not require a uspa membership. How much more proof do I need to provide?
Longway how many jumps you got? How many years in sport?
I claim as wrong? It is fact. You guys love to be in charge don't you...
I jump at a dz that does not require a uspa membership. How much more proof do I need to provide?

I can tell you one thing - there is no way in hell I'd fly at a drop zone that did not require USPA membership.
I can tell you one thing - there is no way in hell I'd fly at a drop zone that did not require USPA membership.

Lodi in CA is the one example of a large nonUSPA DZ, all the rest are tiny fly by night operations that don't last. Lodi is a bit odd, but does alright I guess. It is N=1 for an example of successful non USPA DZs.
I bought a rig from Bill Dause at Lodi years ago. I've still got it, and jump it occasionally. Does he still have the all-black P51 in back?
300 jumps over 5 or 6 years.

Bill ground looped the p51 (no serious damage) and sold it some time later (about 3ish years ago?) I was there the day the new pilot took off in it... that run up sure was loud.
Lodi in CA is the one example of a large nonUSPA DZ, all the rest are tiny fly by night operations that don't last. Lodi is a bit odd, but does alright I guess. It is N=1 for an example of successful non USPA DZs.

Lodi is a high volume, inconsiderate operation with a poor safety record. I now stay away from that airport, after they took off into me when I was on base and got on the radio and told me divert. They load passengers at the pump, while refueling with the engines running and operate in both directions on the runway, while completely ignoring other traffic in the pattern (it is all about volume). The guy actually flipped me off, when I finished refueling and had started my engine to move forward (I had to park at the side of the pump, because they pretty much stake out the front). There are others who have posted similar experiences, so it isn't just me: http://www.airnav.com/airport/1O3/A