He's famous!!!


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
I get my Flight Training mag from AOPA today, and who do I see in the back of the magazine?

Nick Brennan.

A little spotlight on his New Mexico 57 in 365 or however many airports it is. Right on.

I saw the picture, and said, wow, that looks like Nick, sure enough, it is.

I'm gonna beat ya to all 48 though. ;)
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N2212R said:
I get my Flight Training mag from AOPA today, and who do I see in the back of the magazine?

Nick Brennan.

A little spotlight on his New Mexico 57 in 365 or however many airports it is. Right on.

I saw the picture, and said, wow, that looks like Nick, sure enough, it is.

I'm gonna beat ya to all 48 though. ;)

Yup :yes: I received my copy yesterday and was neat to say "hey! I know that guy!"

Nick - care to share the story behind the interview and how AOPA contacted you/chose you?

Thanks and congrats again!


P.S. Jill Tallman is a really nice gal. She and Mike Collins both personally sent a 4+ paragraph response to my editorial/story regarding "Family Flying Connections."
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Holy crap. Why did it take me like an extra week to get my copy??
HPNPilot1200 said:
Nick - care to share the story behind the interview and how AOPA contacted you/chose you?

Nope :D

Some things are better off left a mystery!
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N2212R said:
I'm gonna beat ya to all 48 though. ;)

Is that a challenge? I could go for an air race.....I'll quit my job right now and spend a month just flying around the US....say the word....say it!
SkyHog said:
Is that a challenge? I could go for an air race.....I'll quit my job right now and spend a month just flying around the US....say the word....say it!

"the word"

SkyHog said:
Is that a challenge? I could go for an air race.....I'll quit my job right now and spend a month just flying around the US....say the word....say it!

Ha. You'll need 3 months in the midwest alone with all the icing we have here!

I'll have knocked out 47 after Gaston's. And next summer I'll grab ND on the way to AK. And after the house get's paid off in 09, I may just pay to have my cherokee torn apart and shipped to hawaii so I can say I landed my plane in all 50 states. So.....bring it on!

N2212R said:
Ha. You'll need 3 months in the midwest alone with all the icing we have here!

I'll have knocked out 47 after Gaston's. And next summer I'll grab ND on the way to AK. And after the house get's paid off in 09, I may just pay to have my cherokee torn apart and shipped to hawaii so I can say I landed my plane in all 50 states. So.....bring it on!


Ok - so if I beat you to 50 then, I still win? You're on....somehow.
It has to be YOUR plane nick. Rentals don't count. Heck, I'm cutting you slack with it being a club plane. LOL
N2212R said:
It has to be YOUR plane nick. Rentals don't count. Heck, I'm cutting you slack with it being a club plane. LOL

I cry party foul. I think landing any bird in any state should count. Not that I'm going to win any competitions, I've only landed in TN, AL, GA, VA, AR and AZ so far. A loooong road (airway) ahead. :yes:
Bill Jennings said:
I cry party foul. I think landing any bird in any state should count. Not that I'm going to win any competitions, I've only landed in TN, AL, GA, VA, AR and AZ so far. A loooong road (airway) ahead. :yes:

Here's my reasonsing Bill:
I fly to Seattle commercially, and rent a plane once I'm there. That's so not even close to flying my plane from Michigan (or TN, or MA) out there and landing there. Granted the Hawaii provision would be toeing the line, but I just can't get enough fuel in my plane to fly it 2200 miles non stop!
N2212R said:
Here's my reasonsing Bill:
I fly to Seattle commercially, and rent a plane once I'm there. That's so not even close to flying my plane from Michigan (or TN, or MA) out there and landing there. Granted the Hawaii provision would be toeing the line, but I just can't get enough fuel in my plane to fly it 2200 miles non stop!

Ahh - but is the concept not the same? I have flown in New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Florida, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and California. If you include the trip to Gastons where I did not perform the landings but sat right seat while someone else did (and I don't count it), you can add Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri on the list too.

The trip to Florida should count, because that was the intent, to land in another state. And the difference between New England and New Mexico....well, I had to do that.
I just think you gotta do it from your home base. Ya gotta be PIC for the entire trip for your home field. Anything else is cheatin' - which is why I won't count HI.
Bill Jennings said:
I cry party foul. I think landing any bird in any state should count.

Ahhh crap, then it ain't a challenge. I already done all 50, PR, US Virgins and a bunch of other countries including Grand Cayman and Jamaica in my own plane. Naope, other peoples planes don't coun't, you have to own at least partial interest and have flown it from your area of primary residence. Now, if someone wants to raise a challenge over completing tha AOPA Airport Directory....
SkyHog said:
Nope :D

Some things are better off left a mystery!

Probably had something to do with a Flying Souvlaki and a figure 4 leg lock....:D
Henning said:
you have to own at least partial interest and have flown it from your area of primary residence. Now, if someone wants to raise a challenge over completing tha AOPA Airport Directory....

OK, between you and Ed, uncle. Holy cow, the entire AOPA directory...damn, that would take a lifetime commitment.
Henning said:
Now, if someone wants to raise a challenge over completing tha AOPA Airport Directory....

...in alphabetical order. :hairraise:

I'll volunteer. I've got time. I just need an airplane and fuel...