
Michael Hemingway

Filing Flight Plan
Aug 2, 2021
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Michael H
I am looking for a private flight instructor in the Dover De area or any area in Delaware.
I have tried getting in touch with the posted flight schools and such with no results.
I am serious about earning my private pilots rating and have the means to do so.
Thank You
Michael H
Did you try going to the actual flight schools? In person, I mean- not via SpaceBook, Instagoon, TikTok, ClickClack or text message? No one was there? They were closed? No posted business hours? How serious are you? Poor effort = poor results in aviation.
Sheesh, lighten up on the new guy! Maybe the person on the phone at the flight school was an idiot? Or all their instructors were booked, who knows?

Michael: if you're not having luck with flight schools (for whatever reason), independent CFI's are a thing that exists, but often the only way to find them is through word of mouth. Go to the airport FBO and see if there's a cork board with business cards on it... or an open hangar with friendly people inside (aviation folks are usually friendly) who might "know a guy".

Paging @GMascelli
It may seem like extra effort to visit the schools in person rather than calling or emailing, but it is worthwhile. Before deciding on where to train, you'll want to get a look at the facility and aircraft, and talk to an instructor or two to see if there is a fit. If you show up in person, they will make time to speak with you.
The poor effort is on the part of typical aviation businesses. Flight schools are often rotten at any modern means of communication or, in fact, tools for scheduling, maintenance tracking, or accounting.

A phone call or multiple (lol voicemail? customer service? wazzat?) may be required. Failing that, you'll want to scratch around some unusual places to find an independent instructor (who has access to a plane I suppose?) -- try barnstormers, inquire with your nearest EAA chapter, or start visiting some fly-ins, pancake breakfasts, or other social outings.
There is a flying club at DAFB. You might want to check out the folks at 33N or stop into the Air Mobility Command museum and ask for potential CFI’s. There are flight schools at KILG, stop in and check them out. Some actual face time and not on any electronic device goes a long way.