Helicopter Sub Forum?


Aug 9, 2013
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I wanted to get a feel for how many helicopter pilots are on POA and if there is any interest on starting a sub forum for helicopters in GA. This way we can help "avoid the flow of fixed wing traffic". ;)

I'll start by introducing my self. I own and fly a Eurocopter EC-130B4 in Northern California. I have no fixed wing endorsements nor any time in a fixed wing. Anyone else out there prefer the rotor?

I wanted to get a feel for how many helicopter pilots are on POA and if there is any interest on starting a sub forum for helicopters in GA. This way we can help "avoid the flow of fixed wing traffic". ;)

I'll start by introducing my self. I own and fly a Eurocopter EC-130B4 in Northern California. I have no fixed wing endorsements nor any time in a fixed wing. Anyone else out there prefer the rotor?


Welcome to POA! Many of us here find rotorcraft operations fascinating, even if we haven't partaken ourselves.

At this forum we prefer the fixed wing airplanes.

...and ignore today's featured troll. He has trouble enough figuring out how a fixed wing aircraft works and would be incredibly overwhelmed by rotorcraft.
...and ignore today's featured troll. He has trouble enough figuring out how a fixed wing aircraft works and would be incredibly overwhelmed by rotorcraft.

I have my PPL clearly I know how a fixed wing aircraft works.
I used to fly helos, but since my rich uncle quit buying the fuel I gave it up. :yesnod:

I have often played with the idea of doing it again, but have never taken the plunge. I'd probably look like a ping pong ball in a washing machine if I tried to hover now.
Ex CFI H. Helicopter subforum would be OK, but since I just click on new posts doesn't make any difference. Reminding plank drivers of our awesome superiority is always fun.
This forum DOES have a helicopter forum doesn't it?

The Spin Zone!

Flown B206s, OH-58s and UH-60s all on Uncle Sam. Currently flying a B407 in the HEMS role. Fixed wing owner (Velocity) with PPL IFR rating.

Not many of us rotor heads on the forums. Welcome to POA.
Flown B206s, OH-58s and UH-60s all on Uncle Sam. Currently flying a B407 in the HEMS role. Fixed wing owner (Velocity) with PPL IFR rating.

Not many of us rotor heads on the forums. Welcome to POA.

So far two by my count. Way less then I thought! Where are all the Robi guys? Anyway here is a pic of my baby.

Was a Crew Chief on OH 58's. Still have a ton of love for helicopters.
That is a smokin' cool bird...welcome to the forum. Post up some of your adventures and experiences just like everyone else does.