Helicopter fun - Fighting fire from a swimming pool

Nothing special here. His only obstacle is the wall right in front of him which actually serves as a handy centering distance and altitude reference. He's getting a little roll from the rotor wash off the wall across the pool, but this is exactly the type of flying a helicopter is made for. And in that business cycle time is everything, but really nothing spectacular here. :dunno:
Considering the fire appears to be just down the hill, it's a valid use of the pool water.
Some fine flying there.
Just sharing. Never said it was abnormal.

Any idea why they shortened up his Bambi bucket so much? Seems like the normal sling load length is significantly longer.
We have both lengths of the Bambi bucket. One of our pilots likes the longer length for the Bambi bucket. The other pilot likes the shorter length like you see here. For them it is preference. If there is any other reason, I don't know.
Shorter lines oscillate less. Long lines give better obstacle clearance.