Headed up to Osh...


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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We're flying the 414 up this afternoon (Thursday). It's back in service! Landing at STE and spending the night there, will be at the show all day tomorrow (Friday).

Anyone who wants to say hi, send me a message! I doubt I'll check this thread so PMs are better...
I'll be there tomorrow as well. Hope to cross paths with you.
Safe flying Ted..."and welcome to Oshkosh."
Really cool wx this year. Helps to make it more enjoyable. For the life of me I don't know why EAA doesn't air condition those exhibit hangars. It's not like they can't afford it and it's not like they'd be running it all summer.

You are almost a day late and a dollar short.

Sounds like the story of my life. :D
Congrats on getting the 414 finished! that needs its own thread (or update) with pics.
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Congrats on getting the 414 finished! that needs its own thread (or update) with pics.

I'll make another post on that. You can always check the Cloud Nine Facebook page for updates, too, although I didn't put in anything about it passing the first flight.
Congrats on getting her back up. I just missed you. In and out yesterday.