Happy Birthday Terry (Terzap)

yeehaw! Happy birthday Terry - stay warm. This next drink's for you.
Thanks, guys! I told Brook about my...uh..aborted birthday flight lesson this morning in which the nice 16 knot crosswind turned into a 23 knot crosswind with blowing snow and like...200yard visibility in less than twenty minutes. (Arrive at the Crookston airport, go through preflight briefing, stand up, look out window, say to instructor, "Guess what? We're going back to Grand Forks."

He says. "No we're n--- Uh, I guess we're going back to Grand Forks."

The windsock wasn't only straight as a board, it was angling upward, and we could hardly see it for the blowing snow.


Anyway, this morning it was nearly 30 and now it's -3 and dropping...so, looking forward to clear skies from it! (And there is still a chance I will finally solo this weekend as long as it holds and I get a few things evened out before then...)

Thanks bunches, you guys, you give me the warm fuzzies, and that should get me through our little segment of this Alberta clipper.

terzap said:
. (Arrive at the Crookston airport, go through preflight briefing, stand up, look out window, say to instructor, "Guess what? We're going back to Grand Forks."

He says. "No we're n--- Uh, I guess we're going back to Grand Forks."

Looks to me like your aeronautical judgement is just fine. Good (pre) PIC decision.

Happy Birthday.
Happy belated, hope you had a great day yesterday.