Happy Birthday, Richard!

What can I add to what others have said? Happy Birthday, Richard!
I almost missed this happy big 50!!

Welcome to the club, Richard. Remember, 50 is the new <cough> 30....
Oh my hell. I thought you would have crashed by now.....oh well happy birthday for now......you'll crash soon enough! bet ya 50 bucks you dont make it to 60....lol
kidin. your friggin bday brought me out of poa retirement rich..
4 now
Scott, I was born in HI. Steve, Dano, and Kimo were my heros. Upon reaching the mainland I was shocked out of my socks (oh wait, I didn't wear socks or shoes) to learn Hawaii 5-0 was shown oveh heah too.

Anyway, thanks a bunch for the cool graphic.

Thanks to the rest of you folks too. All except Michael. :cheerswine:B)
happy b-day dude. Sorry I missed it.
Crud sorry I missed it! HAPPY BELATED RICHARD!!!!

And GREAT to see you back Michael!!!!