Happy Birthday, Rachel

Happy birthday, Rachel! Make sure that Chris does something nice for you! ;)
have fun packing on your birthday and getting ready for finals.
Yes, packing and studying will occur today. The fun is over. Met the family for Pancheros and an ice cream cake, since Pancheros and Cold Stone Creamery are right next to each other. Followed by a little Christmas shopping. I just booked my massage and facial, present from Chris, for a few days after we get to GA. By then It will be a much appreciated break. Thanks for all the well wishes :)
Well shoot! I'm sorry I'm a day late...
Happy Day After Your Birthday!! :cheerswine:
I'll bet you got birthday presants and the gift givers said; "This is for Chistmas too."

Note to all, this is not a good plan. :nono:

Happy Birthday!
I'll bet you got birthday presants and the gift givers said; "This is for Chistmas too."

Note to all, this is not a good plan. :nono:

Happy Birthday!

Ohhhhh no. I was flat out TOLD a long time ago that the double-holiday method was not appropriate. Rachel's b-day is 13th, our wedding anniversary is the 17th, and then you have Christmas of course - it's a tri-fecta of opportunity for screw-up by me. ;)