Had to cancel Angel Flight Ugh!!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
Never felt so bad about cancelling a flight! Ugh!! Had an Angel Flight today from KABE to KBOS. I was actually gonna claim KBOS for the CONUS! Did tons of planning. Got the long johns on (Its been cold as round spheres here) I'm getting the briefing and my buddy is getting the hangar open and preheat done on the Lance. As he opens the hangar , Hey whats that big puddle on the ground under the left wing root. AHHHHHHH 100LL. A pretty steady drip where the wing joins the fuselage. And nothing but an Archer Available which is too cramped and slow to get the patient to KBOS in time for her appointment.

The patient was so shaken when I called to tell her. She was a burn pt and needed to get to the Hospital thankfully AFE found another pilot last second. I was ready to put her on a commercial myself. Really made me bummed. At least she got up there but boy did I feel like crap till we got her another ride.

FBO says the fuel connector tube probably contracted in the 6 degree temps the past few nights . Who knows it will go into Mx and they will check it out.
That sucks, Adam, but I'm glad that the important part happened. At least Angel Flight was able to help!
And you noticed it during preflight, and not after the tanks were mysteriously dropping faster than the fuel flow would indicate! Good job! That's the sort of flight where you have TRUE getthereitis, and you resisted. Congratulations!

I'm looking forward to the time when I can fly Angel Flight and Lifelline. :yes:

It happens, but it sure is painful to have to call and cancel a flight. Remember what a great service these patients get from AF pilots and the inconvenience of a cancellation or two doesn't seem so bad.

Two things our AF office does that makes it much easier on the pilots:
1) IFR only
2) Travel always occurs the day before the appointment.

You did the only thing you could do. Don't sweat it.
Thanks guys. I knew the mission had to be scrubbed. Leak was such I could have found it with my eyes closed. Angel Flight East is Awesome. They are so understanding absolutly no pressure and very cool.

Unfortunatly AFE doesnt' have the luxury to insist on flying missions the day before the appointment. They are super busy and often act as a connector from AF Georgia to the New England States and Hospitals in Philly. This particluar pt had an up and back appointment that was changing last minute due to an infection. I really felt for this kid 19 first time flying alone to a big city yada yada. I'm very happy AFE found a replacement.