Gyrocopter down -- South Texas -- 1 injury

Van Johnston

Pattern Altitude
Oct 31, 2012
South Texas
Display Name

Display name:
Van Johnston
This popped up in my FB feed from my home town today; happened yesterday. Caption said pilot was airlifted to an SA hospital. Can't find any other details;nothing on Kathryn's report. May be more when the local paper publishes later this week. Googled the N number to get owners name, then went to pilot database and he is listed as a student pilot and A&P. Doesn't meant he was the pilot though.
Yikes. Hope he's OK. Looks to be some blood on the windshield and asphalt. DO you guys typically wear full faced helmets when you fly those?
Yikes.... the blood on the pavement makes me think there was a serious head injury.

Prayers to the pilot for a complete recovery.
Another from buzzing. Hope he comes out OK. The blood looks scary, but scalp wounds bleed a lot. That said, plummeting from the height of a power line can't be good for you.

Flying gyros is a bucket list item for yours truly.
Hoping for the best ,for the pilot.