Guy hit and killed by prop

Fer Pete's sake, Tom. If you are starting an engine and you let go of the starter just as it fires but doesn't quite catch, and then it fires before TDC on the non-impulse mag, it spins backward quite a few turns. I don't know how many times I've seen this, and it didn't break vacuum pumps nor did it run all the oil out of the galleries and end up in the engine exploding after starting. Even if it did clear the galleries it will run long enough to refill the system without any damage. It's not running at high bearing pressures at start. Even the OEM's POHs will tell you to shut the engine down if there's no oil pressure within 30 seconds; at a 700 RPM idle that's 350 revolutions of the prop.
Now are you arguing that it doesn't happen?
Please explain what you are asking ?
Well for 1, if you did all those things you'd never be able to move the prop to work the tow bar.
Plus many cowlings must be removed by reaching thru the prop arc.
IMHO very unreal way to approach prop safety. Props are a reality in our aviation one must be realistic in the way they are handled.