GTN Datacards: Can I use a regular SD Card?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Garmin's GTN Series uses a Micro SD card to read the updates and load into the system. Updates are downloaded off of the net (I'm using and loaded onto the card using an SD Card Reader.

Am I limited to using the SD card supplied with our GTN750 unit (and has the Garmin sticker), or can I obtain a card of sufficient size and use that to load the data?

Desire is to have one card in aircraft and second at home, making it easier to manage the updates (load at home over high speed net, then swap cards at airport).
You need the Garmin card. I don't think it is a micro SD card. I have a micro SD in my Aspen. The GTN one I have is an SD card.
And another little tidbit... If you buy your databases from Jepp, including the SafeTaxi and obstacles, they will only allow you to download it once per cycle. If you buy the PilotPak from Garmin, you can do multiple downloads.
You need the Garmin card. I don't think it is a micro SD card. I have a micro SD in my Aspen. The GTN one I have is an SD card.

my friend has a 750 in his bonanza and it definitely is an SD card. I know you can swap 430 cards b/t users, but I thought I heard the 750 "knows" which card belongs to it.
Not planning on swapping cards between "users" or aircraft. Just trying to reduce the quantity of trips out to the airport just to update data. Hangar does have internet what's in the FBO isn't the speediest thing in the world.
Not planning on swapping cards between "users" or aircraft. Just trying to reduce the quantity of trips out to the airport just to update data. Hangar does have internet what's in the FBO isn't the speediest thing in the world.

sorry, not implying you were swapping cards with others, but my point was that I don't know if you can just buy another SD card and start using it.

I had 2 430 cards and I did what you are describing. After getting the WAAS upgrade, I'm down to 1 card, and it's a little more aggravating.
Not planning on swapping cards between "users" or aircraft. Just trying to reduce the quantity of trips out to the airport just to update data. Hangar does have internet what's in the FBO isn't the speediest thing in the world.

When my 650 was installed, the installer gave me two cards. Not sure if this was part of the original package from Garmin, but it sure helps deal with the issue you are describing.
No, it has to be their card formatted in their proprietary format with their sticker on it to be legal.

My GTN 750 came with two SD cards - his didn't? He might talk to Garmin about that. His installer may have lost one. Those things aren't cheap.
No, it has to be their card formatted in their proprietary format with their sticker on it to be legal.

My GTN 750 came with two SD cards - his didn't? He might talk to Garmin about that. His installer may have lost one. Those things aren't cheap.

Fortunately our installer is on the field and a friendly sort. I'll reach out to him about card#2.
Fortunately our installer is on the field and a friendly sort. I'll reach out to him about card#2.

I got two cards with my 650 and 750. :D I may have paid extra for them, but I don't think I did. ;)
Why would they allow you to use something that you can pick up at your local retailer for $10 when they can customize it just a tad and charge you $150?

2nd data card question answered... Our club WAS handed the card, but now one told me (the grand updater of databases) we had it.

Now the task becomes much easier. Keep one card at home, download new cycle onto it when it becomes available, and then swap cards once I'm back in the hangar.