
Skip Miller

Final Approach
Feb 22, 2005
New York City
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Display name:
Skip Miller
Temporarily, whew.

I had one of my upper front teeth extracted this afternoon. According to the DMD it was a difficult extraction. Almost painless, thank God! The tooth broke off at the gumline and they had to dig for the root. I ended up with 8 stitches.

Although the procedure was mostly painless, the trauma to my mouth will cause much swelling and pain during the recovery. I am on Vicodin and feeling pretty good right now, but that includes a narcotic so I am not going anywhere. (Not that I would want to or could, right now. Wx is horrible = dewpoint in the 70s and we had a line of severe CBs come through. Up in Westchester County there was a tornado sighting, too.)

Just trolling for a little sympathy, guys. This was not a fun afternoon!

Ouch! You will feel the pain in the morning.
The weather here in Ohio has been terrible for about six weeks. The rain never stops.
I've had that done. Then had a titanium sleeve put in for the implant. The sleeve broke off three-four threads deep in the bone. I was so freaked out that I would swallow my tooth in the middle of the night, I pulled the implant out of the bone.

I could hear and feel the threads pulling out of the bone.

That was fun, no sympathy from me.....pansy. LOL
Wow, I'm impressed that after being so violated and being on Vicodin your spelling is so good.
Oh man Skip...hope you feel better. I went to the dentist today and had NO cavities. See my pearly whites :D. To rreward myself I took the plane out on my own again today. :D. Sorry for the sucky wx in Westchester. Did they say where the tornado touched down at? Hey I hope you feel better soon and can get back in the air as soon as you are feeling better. :D .
Skip Miller said:
The tooth broke off at the gumline and they had to dig for the root. I ended up with 8 stitches. Although the procedure was mostly painless, the trauma to my mouth will cause much swelling and pain during the recovery.
Doggonit. Tomorrow may be no fun.
Skip Miller said:
I am on Vicodin and feeling pretty good right now
I had a wisdom tooth pulled a few months ago. I was planning on having not much pain and not actually taking any Vicodin and then doing some acro the next day. Oops, was I wrong about all of that!

Although, in visiting with the dentist, I asked about doing acro the next day and we started talking about flying, and he got the bug to go take a few lessons. :)

Skip Miller said:
Just trolling for a little sympathy, guys.
You got it!
That's lousy, I'm really sorry for you.

I was in a bike crash and broke off my two front teeth to the Jaw which was also cracked. I also managed to split another tooth.

I ended up with about 40 stiches in various parts of my body including a bunch in my face and mouth. At the ER I didn't get a general so having those two front teeth removed in the emergency room was the most painful thing I've ever been through. Period.

I didn't take any of the painkillers because they made me sick. Don't worry you will feel much better by today, and even better by tomorrow. The face heals fast.

I ended up with implants in the two front teeth and a cap on the other tooth. Today I've fully healed, and look just like I did before the crash.

Good luck and feel better soon!
Ooooooooohhhhh Mama!!!! That don't sound fun!

Here's hoping for a pain-free recovery (or as pain-free as possible). Good luck.
infotango said:
That's lousy, I'm really sorry for you.

I was in a bike crash and broke off my two front teeth to the Jaw which was also cracked. I also managed to split another tooth.

I ended up with about 40 stiches in various parts of my body including a bunch in my face and mouth. At the ER I didn't get a general so having those two front teeth removed in the emergency room was the most painful thing I've ever been through. Period.

I didn't take any of the painkillers because they made me sick. Don't worry you will feel much better by today, and even better by tomorrow. The face heals fast.

I ended up with implants in the two front teeth and a cap on the other tooth. Today I've fully healed, and look just like I did before the crash.

Good luck and feel better soon!

jeepers, this made MY front teeth hurt. no thanks!
When I had my wisdom teeth out I was very specific that I wanted to be knocked out, it was wonderful. Only a little soreness once the anesthesia (sp?) wore off.
HPNFlyGirl said:
Did they say where the tornado touched down at?
There was a waterspout sighting in the Hudson, then the storm jumped and touched down in Mount Pleasant somewhere. I heard Hawthorne but I am not sure.

Thanks to all for the comments. I am now weaning myself off the Vicodin but see no real reason to be a hero and not taking it when needed. I can't imagine what this would be like back before anaesthesia!

Reminds me of the old joke:

Patient: Doc, how much are you going to charge for this extraction?

Doc: $500

Patient: Wowsers! $500 for an extraction! It only takes a few minutes!

Doc: I can pull it out slowly if you prefer....


I am sorry to hear of your experience; pehaps an oral and maxillofacial surgeon would have been in order! Eight stitches, EGAD!

Best wishes on your recovery.

Something like this can change your outlook on Drugs :rolleyes:
Hope you feel better soon. But not too soon!
The mouth, like the ears, are very sensitive to outside pressure changes after any trauma (and what you had done WAS trauma).
Even though it feels good at ground level pressure altitude be careful on you first few flights to altitude...if it starts to hurt quit going up (within the bounds of Safety of course...).
I'm not a Doc but I did go flying after some dental work that felt 3000' msl it felt like the Dentist was in there drilling again...sans novicane:eek: .
Chris (Proud to be a Candy AS$)