GPS tracker $19.99 on deals.woot

This one is "non-real time" which works good for our recreational flying needs.

I'm also interested in getting ideas for a near real time solution to track my delivery tucks (just 2 of them, but helpful to know which end of the DFW metromess they are at.)
This one is "non-real time" which works good for our recreational flying needs.

I'm also interested in getting ideas for a near real time solution to track my delivery tucks (just 2 of them, but helpful to know which end of the DFW metromess they are at.)

It's been a while so I'm sure the technology is better than 6 years ago when I did this. But we had blackberries on our trucks that were complete with IP address that we could utilize a system called the "Push Registry" and have our drivers company blackberries send us GPS coordinates from their blackberry or nextel phone . We could remotely control about anything on those phones we wanted. We mainly used it because customers required 15 minute windows for delivery and electronic notification and the drivers were notorious for not punching in delivery updates, so we did it for them if the window was getting close and the truck was in the right spot.
Thanks Bart. But looking for an "attached to the truck and hidden from driver so he can't mess with it" solution.