Got to fly two different airplanes today (A36 and Decathlon)


Pattern Altitude
Jul 5, 2013
Northern NV
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I have my PPL and about 135 hours. As I am looking to buy a plane, I am trying to get as much time in different planes as I can. This morning I got to fly an aerobatic Decathlon (working on my TW endorsement and spin training). Then, this afternoon I was able to get some time in a Beech Bonanza A36 (my first complex time). My second landing in the A36 was one of the best I've ever made… and from the right seat no less.

My last 6 flights have been in 5 different types… really starting to enjoy the PPL now. :) The A36 sure is a beautiful bird.
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My last 6 flights have been in 5 different types… really starting to enjoy the PPL now. :) The A36 sure is a beautiful bird.

So far, your past 6 flights have been in just under twice the number of different types I've flown in my life. You're living the dream!

PM me when you're ready to commit to a factory-new Bo'. :)
About $700K, for a G36, right? Don't hold your breath waiting for that PM… maybe I shouldn't fly planes that I can never hope to afford. :)
About $700K, for a G36, right? Don't hold your breath waiting for that PM… maybe I shouldn't fly planes that I can never hope to afford. :)

MSRP is $777,285 for the base model. I may be able to pull a couple strings and get it down to $777,000 for ya; before tax title and doc fees of course! :)
MSRP is $777,285 for the base model. I may be able to pull a couple strings and get it down to $777,000 for ya; before tax title and doc fees of course! :)

Just $1/day and I'll have it paid off in a little over two thousand years… since I am sure you can arrange a 2100-year, no interest loan. :D
Nice! I'm jealous about the Decathlon - I'd love to fly one one day. And the Bonanza is just plain sexy. :)
MSRP is $777,285 for the base model. I may be able to pull a couple strings and get it down to $777,000 for ya; before tax title and doc fees of course! :)

But you you can throw in that TruCoat, right ?