GOOOOOD Morning POAaaaa!

Sun is shining after 2 days of light rain, flowers are blooming, trees are leafing out, birds are signing. I even saw a squirrel spring cleaning his nuts! :rofl:

Time to get up boys and girls, and please no more conversations about dead pets. That is a real party killer. ;)

( Just kidding john, ;))
Thunder woke me up at 4:00am. I got up and started working. Rain and T-storms for the second day. It's okay, because the plane is in the shop. Getting it ready after buying it a couple of weeks ago. Got plans for trips, you know.

Weather doesn't matter. Any day you wake up is a good day!
John, I am sorry you lost Face. That is a sad thing to read. If I didn't live in a tiny apartment I know I would have a host of rescue animals too - such as birds and what not - if my significant other would let me.