Good Thanksgiving trip


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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We flew from Iowa to Alabama for Thanksgiving this week. Dad rented a Cherokee Six-300 from the flying club and we all piled in it for the trip down. Sitting right-seat, I did the radio work and monitored the 396 w/ XM weather for routing issues.

Coming out of MLI, we were cleared direct GILLE (IAP for ILS at MSL). Once we got airborne and heading in our general direction, our direct route would take us through some moderate precip, so I requested Direct PIA. Granted. Once to PIA, we were cleared direct GILLE again. A half-hour or so south of PIA, I noticed a large buildup forming over western Tennessee. After continuing south a little farther, I had a good idea of how to dodge the buildup and requested and received Direct DYR Direct KMSL. Once on the back side of the buildup, DYR was under a developing buildup, so I requested left 10 degrees - granted - direct MSL when able. After clearing the buildup over DYR, we went direct MSL. After 1/2 hour in light-moderate precip, we were cleared for GPS 18 at KMSL. Weather was SCT 800, OVC 1400, VIS 1 1/4. We made it down to MDA a mile or so from the MAP but couldn't see the runway. Dad was on the instruments and I was looking intently for the runway. Finally, I saw the road that runs parallel to the runway, so I knew we should see the runway any moment. We finally saw the numbers about 1/4 mile from the MAP. Throw the flaps in, pull power and drop it down to a squeaker of a landing in heavy rain.

That was the first time I've been on an approach and be out of the clouds, but still unable to find the runway due to low forward visibility. No worries - but a good learning experience to be along for flying at MDA for an extended period while looking for the runway. It's amazing -- if you actually fly the numbers, you'll come out near the runway. It's like magic! ;)

Trip home was boring (for dad and I) but more enjoyable for our pax.

Good trip for everyone -- saw all the family, ate more than I usually eat in a month, and had two great flights to boot.

Flight tracks:
Going down:

Coming back:
Glad to hear all y'all had a safe flight. One of my friends is actually on the airport commission at MSL.
sounds like fun Chris, glad you guys had a good safe trip. I think you missed the ice by about 10 miles on your departure, judging from the winds/temps and FIP/CIP charts :D
sounds like fun Chris, glad you guys had a good safe trip. I think you missed the ice by about 10 miles on your departure, judging from the winds/temps and FIP/CIP charts :D

Yup.. I was watching ADDS ice prediction closely all night before. We just barely missed it. It was just starting to sleet a little bit as we were taxiing out. No problems the whole way, though.

Cool flight report. Must have been fun getting to look out the window during an instrument approach! ;)

Ha. Yup! Been a while since I did that!