Good Morning Again POA!

Tim Abbott

Feb 6, 2010
W. Newbury, MA
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Tim Abbott
It's my turn to have office hours here at my mortgage brokerage so I'm stuck here till 8pm.

Working from home is so my better...

What are y'all up to?

Sitting at work. Typing up SQL scripts. Trying to plan some semblance of a vacation soon. :D
Sitting in the hotel in Toronto watching the snow come down, and all the slime green colored planes cue at the runway waiting for the brush trucks to move out of the way.
Just hangin out working on bids for my paint job on my -12.

Happy Ash Wednesday to all Catholic POA'ers

I love the Friday fish frys! Oh baby that is some good fish, and they drink beer too!
Sitting in my office between conference calls, wishing I was home with my fiancee.
At work, testing medical image software, drinking a Diet Pepsi and eating a cold sandwich from McD. Thinking about flying.
In Iowa, hoping for better weather tomorrow so I can make it home. Working remotely.