Going from dry to wet vacuum pump?


Final Approach
Apr 19, 2011
Olympic Peninsula
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I would really like to get a wet vacuum pump in my 1966 skyhawk, but what is required to do some? Could I find one that is TSO'd to replace the one I have?
I don't know for sure if there is one for your airplane/engine or not, but I bet you can find out from Airwolf or their website. I replaced my (broken) dry pump on my IO-550 (de-T)210N a couple of years ago and have been pleased. It was expensive, however, but my pump is a heavy-duty one that inflates the boots, too.

I'd check AirWolf to see what they have.

Also check the price to see whether or not it makes financial sense to do. A dry pump is probably worth 1/6 of a wet pump time wise (others may have better numbers). I actually just replaced both of the dry pumps on the 310, but I also didn't check to see what the cost for wet pumps will be. Perhaps in another 500 hours when they go out again I'll look into it further.

I know on my Aztec, the wet pumps have been very reliable.