
Touchdown! Greaser!
Aug 4, 2007
Waukesha County, WI
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Sorry, this is not about Bonanzas.

This weekend, my bride and I went up to Door County, Wisconsin. Door County is basically the peninsula jutting out into Lake Michigan, with Green Bay to the west and Lake Michigan to the east. Parts of it remind me of Vermont, plus the water, minus the mountains.

It's a laid back vacation spot. Many places close down for the winter. Yet, there is a good, hearty population that lives there year round.

On our drive up the western shore line, from Sturgeon Bay, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Sister Bay, and Ellison Bay, we saw signs saying:


There were pumpkin patches which spelled out "GO BO" with pumpkins. Businesses of every kind had hand-made signs saying GO BO, in their windows, on sheets hung over their own businesses' signs, and in their front yards.

Individual homes had GO BO signs in their front lawns, or hanging from their mail boxes.

Passing the Gibraltar football stadium, I saw all sorts of ribbons decorating the fence around the football stadium in orange and black saying GO BO. Hmm, is BO a high school football player?

But passing a lutheran church, I noticed a sign saying PRAYING FOR BO. Oh crap, this can't be good.

On Saturday morning, after I dropped my wife off at a culinary school in Ellison Bay, I went across the street to the Viking Grill for a nice breakfast. In the diner, the waitresses were wearing orange ribbons with BO on them.

So, I had to ask: "Who's Bo?"

Well, Bo is a 13-year old boy who died of leukemia on Friday the 28th, the day we arrived in Door county.

What struck me - us - was the magnitude of the support for Bo in the entire county. He must have touched so many people. All of the signs were home made. All of his support came from the heart.

This is hard to write, because I didn't know Bo, and was almost embarrased to ask, because it seems EVERYONE in Door county knew Bo. Yet I'm touched beyond belief at what a county, towns, villages, businesses, and individuals can do when someone needs help.

I don't know if people were raising money for Bo when he was alive. But I know they were raising his spirits.

I have since learned that there is a foundation in Bo's name for cancer research. In my research I also found a couple of articles about Bo. Read them if you are so inclined, but be ready to cry. And smile too.



It's very sad when a child dies. One of my 15 y/o son's classmates died from bone cancer this weekend.