Gmail - that was cool!


Aug 4, 2007
Denver, CO
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I am a dad!
I was sending an email just now that was supposed to include an attachment, but of course I forgot to attach it before I hit send. And the pop-reminded me saying that "Did you mean to attach files?

You wrote "I've attached" in your message, but there are no files attached. Send anyway?"

First time I've seen that. Kinda cool for a moron with a short memory like me.

It's the little things that amuse me.
I was sending an email just now that was supposed to include an attachment, but of course I forgot to attach it before I hit send. And the pop-reminded me saying that "Did you mean to attach files?

You wrote "I've attached" in your message, but there are no files attached. Send anyway?"

First time I've seen that. Kinda cool for a moron with a short memory like me.

It's the little things that amuse me.

Yeah, that's cool; I also love that you can now drag and drop attachments and embedded images.
Cool, and maybe a bit creepy.

Hmm. Lessee. For some reason you use the words "naked" "child" and "photo" in your email (I don't know why, maybe you're talking about your child taking a bath). Anyhow, 2 days later the Feds are knocking on your door with a warrant to search your computers for child porn.

Internet = the final nail in the coffin of privacy, IMHO.

(And yes, i know, don't like it?/don't use it!, but that's virtually impossible in this wired age)