Glider Computer....


Taxi to Parking
Gone West
Feb 26, 2005
Ft Lauderdale FL
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So my cousin in Germany sends me an email, she bought one of these a while back:

>> PDA and navigation XCSoar:
(For this series) high-end device IPAQ H3970

The series of h36xx, h37xx, h38xx h39xx and airmen as valid under
the only real devices because they, unlike the current devices
Displays have, you can read in bright sunlight very well.
h39xx the series has yet to take a faster processor (400MHz
250 MHz).
With Bluetooth interface
GPS Mouse or equivalent. <<

She ended up flying an LSA with a glass deck so she doesn't need it. She said "If you can use it, it's yours." Well hell, there's a glider operation in Homestead... make a good as an excuse as any to start gliding. However I made the mistake of telling her I'd "buy" it off her, now she won't tell me what she gave for it.:mad2:

What's a fair number?
look on ebay for a few days and see what they are selling for. I think I bought a couple 3950's for between $35 and $60 each. It will need a cable to connect it to a GPS or a GPS accessary of some sort.


With 3970 that has the bluetooth interface I believe it is also possible to connect with some Bluetooth GPS devices or converters.


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look on ebay for a few days and see what they are selling for. I think I bought a couple 3950's for between $35 and $60 each. It will need a cable to connect it to a GPS or a GPS accessary of some sort.


With 3970 that has the bluetooth interface I believe it is also possible to connect with some Bluetooth GPS devices or converters.

My understanding of it is that she has the complete working package ready to go fly. Is it a good computer & program to have for gliding? What does it do for me?