Getting to PDK from the South/Southwest?


Pattern Altitude
Jul 16, 2009
Meridian, ID
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Going to Tennessee on Friday, might stop by PDK on the way to have lunch with a friend of mine. If the WX is nice, I'll just go VFR, but can file IFR if there's an easier way to get in there.

What routing should I expect to get to PDK? :dunno:

I think it's anybody's guess about whether you'll get into the Bravo or not - I have been denied once when VFR and quit asking. My dad has been denied VFR, but asked again and got a quick IFR clearance to transition. EdFred said he got a VFR transition at 5k. Just depends on the traffic and the controllers I guess.

As for a specific routing - I plugged CSG -> PDK in and there doesn't seem to be one clear answer (one guy got in with 'direct').
The most likely answer is that you'll be routed around and under the Class B.

However, there exists N-S slots for traffic to get through directly over ATL. Those altitudes are 5000, 5500, and 6000.
The most likely answer is that you'll be routed around and under the Class B.

However, there exists N-S slots for traffic to get through directly over ATL. Those altitudes are 5000, 5500, and 6000.

Are those published anywhere by chance?
It has been my experience that if you go directly north or south of ATL at 5500 the will let you go over the top of ATL. If you are trying to cut through any other way they usually tell you to stay clear of the Class B.
I flew in there without incident. I can't remember if I transitioned the Bravo or flew under. Don't recall any problems, and those are what usually stick in my memory.
The Class B floor over PDK is at 8000. If you're coming in from the north or northwest not much of a problem. If you're VFR you'll probably just be told to remain clear of the bravo. If you're coming in from due south and sound like you know what you're doing ATC might clear you over ATL at 5500, then direct to PDK. From east or west, it's a little easier from the east. PDK is bordered by three Class Ds on the west side.