General Aviation Safety: Trained With Paper Maps, Flying With Digital Maps

Never really worry about batteries dying in the iPad since the 430 does a good job of showing the flight plan (on a tiny tiny screen, but it works). Even if that died, I am confident I could get to where I'm going or get home pulling out the sectional I still carry. Lots of good landmarks around and I can hold a heading (and I fly with flight following so vectors are always an option as a last resort).
Also, many aircraft give you access to ship's power, and the appropriate adapters are readily available.
It's odd that the PDF contains a slightly different date at the bottom of the first page:

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2019.2930272
Date of publication: 30 August 2019
Date posted on digital, vs date of printed journal.
I took my ride a couple of weeks ago. I realized the night before the ride that my chart was expired. I informed the DPE of this when we met up that morning (we rode to the airport together) and told him that I could buy a current one from the FBO and redraw my course line as soon as we got there. He said that wasn’t necessary and let me use foreflight through the oral and in the air. He just wanted me to show him that what I was looking at was current. He didn’t fail the iPad in the air either. I was pretty surprised and relieved. I actually used paper charts all through training and on my XCs with the ipad in the back.