Gear Up

K. The news reports said it was a 172. I couldn't figger out how a 172 could have a gear up.
I heard about the gear-up landing as I was leaving PDK this morning. Boortz was speaking of it. It was interesting that Boortz said he made one mistake... the pilot didn't open the door before landing and apparently ended up being stuck. I have to wonder how many people didn't understand that. It wasn't part of the regular media reports.

Normally, I'm in a Cutlass but took a straight-leg to save a few bucks.
I watched this one live at the airport this morning. I thought the same thing about popping the door. I can't remember, Tony, did you remember to do that when you geared-up the RG?
Is it me, or was the foam over-doing it?
Ever see gas vapors ignite? There were some sparks off that belly, probably from steel portions of the landing gear exposed to the runway surface. All you'd need is a component still hot enough from the friction and some creeping fuel vapors. Gasoline ignites pretty fast.