Garmin Pilot gripes


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 7, 2008
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To the Garmin Pilot users,

I am using both FF and GP. I am new to GP because I just purchased the Garmin GDL39-3D. That unit cannot be used in FF. I like them both and they each have strengths and weaknesses.

My first question is: Have you guys/gals noticed that GP crashes a lot? Let me provide some specifics about how I use it. I have an iPad mini with the latest iOS. I utilize the IFR premium subscription. I also have Bluetooth activated and use the Garmin GDL 39-3D for its WAAS GPS, subscription-free FIS weather and TIS traffic. My App crashes at least once every 30 minutes. It seems worse with the GDL running, but it does crash without it connected.

Here is a list of things I’d like to see in this app:

1) Dedicated Map Button so that no matter what screen you are in, just one press and you’re back to the Map Page. It seems like this is the most common page to need in a hurry.

2) Try bringing up the airspace info from the Map Page, notice the Altitude info is grey and very small. I’d love to see that whiter, bolder and bigger for my 50 something eyes

3) The course line is blue-green. That color gets a little lost on the sectional, since a lot of the chart is blue and doesn’t contrast as much as fuchsia or pink.

4) The airport database does not seem to be indexed. It is VERY slow to bring up airports that I am searching for.

5) How about a NRST Button/Function

6) A “Set Radial and Hold” feature aka Set OBS and Hold

7) Faster map rendering. FF seems faster. FF has a MUCH faster airport database search for sure

8) I was on an IFR flight plan the other day. I had a release time of xx:35Z and a void time of xx:40Z. I looked at my Garmin Pilot app and in the *lower right-hand corner* it said, “xx:38Z” so I took off. The moment I was in the air looked at the app and it said xx:43Z *in the upper right corner* and I know less than 5 minutes had expired. That field (upper right) is user configurable field that I created for current time. I looked down to the lower right corner again and that field said, “xx:39Z! WTF! How could these numbers be different? Well, I discovered that the one in the lower right hand corner is for the age of the weather radar and NOT the current UTC. The time in the upper right hand corner is the current time. Wow, I launched after my void time, but fortunately no one said anything. That is confusing and should be changed somehow.
I just wish they'd make the Android version as good as the iOS version. I have a third-gen iPad that I use Foreflight with, but that's really the only thing I use the iPad for. I wish I could sell the iPad and use my Nexus 7 for flying because it's faster and more conveniently sized, but I just can't get comfortable with Garmin Pilot for Android when I know I could pull out the iPad and have a much better app.
If you're using Android, just use Avare.

Maybe I should, but when I played with it briefly it didn't seem nearly as polished as the iPad apps. I love Android for everything else but I just can't tear myself away from Foreflight. Having an ipad just for flying seems so ridiculous, though...
To the Garmin Pilot users,

I am using both FF and GP. I am new to GP because I just purchased the Garmin GDL39-3D. That unit cannot be used in FF. I like them both and they each have strengths and weaknesses.

My first question is: Have you guys/gals noticed that GP crashes a lot? Let me provide some specifics about how I use it. I have an iPad mini with the latest iOS. I utilize the IFR premium subscription. I also have Bluetooth activated and use the Garmin GDL 39-3D for its WAAS GPS, subscription-free FIS weather and TIS traffic. My App crashes at least once every 30 minutes. It seems worse with the GDL running, but it does crash without it connected.

Here is a list of things I’d like to see in this app:

1) Dedicated Map Button so that no matter what screen you are in, just one press and you’re back to the Map Page. It seems like this is the most common page to need in a hurry.

2) Try bringing up the airspace info from the Map Page, notice the Altitude info is grey and very small. I’d love to see that whiter, bolder and bigger for my 50 something eyes

3) The course line is blue-green. That color gets a little lost on the sectional, since a lot of the chart is blue and doesn’t contrast as much as fuchsia or pink.

4) The airport database does not seem to be indexed. It is VERY slow to bring up airports that I am searching for.

5) How about a NRST Button/Function

6) A “Set Radial and Hold” feature aka Set OBS and Hold

7) Faster map rendering. FF seems faster. FF has a MUCH faster airport database search for sure

8) I was on an IFR flight plan the other day. I had a release time of xx:35Z and a void time of xx:40Z. I looked at my Garmin Pilot app and in the *lower right-hand corner* it said, “xx:38Z” so I took off. The moment I was in the air looked at the app and it said xx:43Z *in the upper right corner* and I know less than 5 minutes had expired. That field (upper right) is user configurable field that I created for current time. I looked down to the lower right corner again and that field said, “xx:39Z! WTF! How could these numbers be different? Well, I discovered that the one in the lower right hand corner is for the age of the weather radar and NOT the current UTC. The time in the upper right hand corner is the current time. Wow, I launched after my void time, but fortunately no one said anything. That is confusing and should be changed somehow.

With the new updates, I am finding Garmin Pilot to be better and more reliable than FF.

In the settings (I don't have my ipad next to me or I would help you) you can adjust all the colours that you need to. So that should help your eye problem, I think it's actually down in the map area at the bottom left hand side. It says "Adjust Map Colours" or something.

I don't fly IFR so I can't help you too much there.

If your app is crashing, maybe uninstall it and re-install it. Also check how much memory you have, if you have a few apps with a lot of maps installed it's because you are out of space on your iPad.