Garmin gnc300XL...


Pre-takeoff checklist
May 18, 2011
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can the data cards for these still be updated?
I was just able to log on to my Jeppesen account and add an update to my cart.
The Garmin site doesn’t even recognize the 300XL as a product!
Not surprised…
Yes - I still have one as my only certified GPS and have an annual subscription with Jeppesen.

A few years back a card died and Jeppesen was short of them for a while, which made me nervous for its future. I ended up buying a spare just in case. And the blue plastic USB adapter has needed replacing once or twice.

As you probably know it takes two cards to get the full data set: one for west and one for east, with a generous overlap in the middle of the country.

Hope that helps.
it does help. THANKS. Do you DIY the downloads, or do you send the cards in to Jeppesen?
it does help. THANKS. Do you DIY the downloads, or do you send the cards in to Jeppesen?
As noted, it’s DIY and takes under 5 minutes per card on a computer with a USB port.

Fun fact: it’s a process, involving downloading the new data, erasing the card, writing to the card, then verifying. If you pull the card out while it’s verifying, the card has the update but the system shows the update failed - so it can be (re)loaded on another card. That’s how I update my spare. And, I understand, how some people share an account. These days the newer units have updates tied to that serial number unit, so sharing won’t work.