Found an interesting plane at a haunted house

Samuel Seidel

Pre-takeoff checklist
Apr 16, 2020
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I saw this airplane at Netherwold, a halloween attraction, and just assumed they took a plane and mangled it up to make it spooky. Sometimes googling a tail number is well worth it.

“The aircraft, supporting the filming of a Tom Cruise film (Mena), crashed in bad weather. Two people died, a third person was seriously injured.”

Someone spent some serious time putting it back together, if this is the actual plane. Unsure, could be a reproduction but I can kind of see where they stitched it back together 0B8F1B74-CBDA-4F77-9993-C45EFE1520B9.jpeg8B340768-62FC-462B-B43C-7E669F704F4B.jpegE917B6B1-DADD-40B2-B9EB-9C0CB769FE98.jpeg
Do share!

I had seen a video of a Sky Arrow on approach to KCNI in a thread on the Raptor and it looked like me flying a typical high, slipping approach. But I checked the date of the photo and it definitely wasn't me. I posted about it here:

Rod Schneider responded with info two posts down.

Here's my reply to him right after the encounter...

Yesterday on your info I looked up the airport manager on Airnav and called xxxx xxxxxx. The conversation started off nicely enough, with me commenting that we approach and land the same way and I'd love to touch base, and determined we both bought our planes from Jon Hansen.

But then I mentioned I had take my Sky Arrow Experimental in 2009. He asked why, and I told him so I could do my own maintenance and modifications and that I had taken the course to do my own Annual Condition Inspections and had done so since 2009. He asked if I was an A&P or a Light Sport Repairman-Maintenance, and I said no - anyone can work on or modify an ELSA. That Light Sport Repairman-Maintenance was only required to work on an SLSA. He said that wasn't true, and I said it definitely was. He said "I don't give a **** what you do - everything's fine and nobody knows until you have an accident". I kinda wanted to make my case but he seemed irritated and said he had work to do. I hope I can smooth things over eventually, but I suspect that might be hard.

Anyway, let me know one day when you might be free to get together at KCNI and chat - with proper social distancing, of course! I'm retired and pretty flexible. Or give me a call or shoot me an email

Never did go back, he really seemed unpleasant. I didn't want to malign him by naming him here, but not hard to sleuth out who it was.
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