Found! a donated amount on my Maintenence Acct!

Missa or Brian, if that is you guys, thank you very much. :)

Or Adam... :)
It's funny because one of my sister-in-laws calls me Brian all the time.
She says I look like a Brian. :D

It was us, Missa and I talked about it after you departed. I was busy loading up the Aztec and Missa ended up taking care of it.
Hopefully that was factored into our shared fuel expenses. (Missa???)

Again, thanks for the lift Doc. it ended up being very useful in the grand scheme of things considering all the flying Ted did that day. Without that it would have been more chaotic.
How'd you get his bank account info!? Looks like they were right; the interweb is dangerous place... especially when haunted by pilots. ;)

(That's really cool, guys, what you did!)
My apologies, Adam.
I enjoyed the ride too :) and this was unexpected!
They said it was intended to be shared among those at your table at dinner, just for enduring that ordeal.
Missa or Brian, if that is you guys, thank you very much. :)
No problem Dr Bruce, I'm sure I've been called worse.:D
Nice job guys.
No Problem, it really wasn't much either... not even our part of the gas.

Really appreciated the ride and getting to see a superior pilot in action was the best part of the ride.

No Problem, it really wasn't much either... not even our part of the gas.

Really appreciated the ride and getting to see a superior pilot in action was the best part of the ride.


Missa are you saying something about Ted's skills???? :rolleyes:
Missa are you saying something about Ted's skills???? :rolleyes:

Hey, I'd like to see Dr. Bruce in action. I've found one of the most educational experiences is watching better pilots than me fly and be exposed to how they do things.

Thanks again, Dr. Bruce. That was a long day of flying, and your help made it much easier.
Now I feel bad, all I gave Dr. Bruce, when he gave me a lift from St. Louis, a few years back, was a bad time. I got to see the master at his finest as we had some bad weather on the way back to St. Louis. I would have liked to pay him but I had spent all my travel money on the large plane that brought me to St. Louis, from Oregon. I hope he knew how much I did appreciate he and his wifes hospitality. Yes, he is an excellent pilot! Bob
Bob, it was an honor to have you aboard. Remember, you are a short field maestro youself!

Sadly, the Seneca is no P-3.