Former US. Senator mugged. Knife-wielding assailant fought off by UC student


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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Re: Former US. Senator mugged. Knife-wielding assailant fought off by UIC student

I hope she is okay. She is a pretty classy person.
Re: Former US. Senator mugged. Knife-wielding assailant fought off by UIC student

I hope she is okay. She is a pretty classy person.
No, She's not. When she was in office, she treaded the line of pandering for $$ support. She's just like any other Chicago Democratic machine product. Remember, her Senate term ended in scandal- trip with her cabana boy on public expense to Africa.

It was a pair of UC - University of Chicago students. The senator says they saved her life.,CST-NWS-braun29.article

She wasn't so classy when she accepted the sponsored junket to Nigeria.
Passing UofC students (like Dr. Bruce, Leslie, or me) seemed a LOT more likely than UIC students. NOW it makes sense.

I'm glad she's okay. I think she is pretty classy for a Chicago politician. (Nod to Dr. Bruce.)

But WHY was she taken to NORTHWESTERN? UofC Hospital is 2 miles away. Northwestern is about 10, all the way on the north side of downtown!
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Passing UofC students (like Dr. Bruce, Leslie, or me) seemed a LOT more likely than UIC students. NOW it makes sense.
U of C students in Hyde Park, I gotta tell you a story about one of my classmates. He's now a pathologist. He was coming home, and in the alley noticed this dude trying to break into the back of his 2nd floor flat. He went in the front, got a baseball bat, went around back, and beat the snot of of this dude. Only afterwards did he realize, "Geez that was dumb". Yup, it was a U of C student all right. I'm glad Vic survived.
I'm glad she's okay. I think she is pretty classy for a Chicago politician. (Nod to Dr. Bruce.)

But WHY was she taken to NORTHWESTERN? UofC Hospital is 2 miles away. Northwestern is about 10, all the way on the north side of downtown!
Another Non-classy. CMB, just like Kitty Dukakis was not taken to the hospital for the masses- she was taken to the hospital for the Classes. Sigh. Very few 13 y.o. mothers at Passavant.
C'mon, Bruce!! You saying you'd tell the ambulance drivers to take you to Cook County instead of Rush-Pres-St. Lukes??? I would be mighty surprised to hear you say it!! :eek:
Re: Former US. Senator mugged. Knife-wielding assailant fought off by UIC student

I hope she is okay. She is a pretty classy person.

I am not sure which Carol Mosely Braun you are talking about, but this one is the former Senator from Illinois. I can tell you from close personal experience with her she is not classy.

I had, count them, 7 appointments with her and each and everyone she was a no show without any word form her staff prior to the cancellation. Several of the appointments were made at her request too and she still did not show up. Classy is not the word I would use to describe her.
"Some pigs are more equal" NW Hospital caters to the VIPs.

Cool. That's my hospital.

I think the city ambulances don't get a choice. They have to take the patient to the nearest Class-whatever trauma center. Northwestern is one as is Cook County, Lutheran General in the NW burbs, and *ugh* Illinois Masonic.
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C'mon, Bruce!! You saying you'd tell the ambulance drivers to take you to Cook County instead of Rush-Pres-St. Lukes??? I would be mighty surprised to hear you say it!! :eek:
Rush Pres-St. Luke's closed their ER in 1980 so they wouldn't have to cater to the street crowd. The only way in there is private admission by your private on-staff Doc.
Rush Pres-St. Luke's closed their ER in 1980 so they wouldn't have to cater to the street crowd. The only way in there is private admission by your private on-staff Doc.
Ok, then NW'ern - whichever - my point stands, here - any of us would choose the better hospital, if we have the insurance for it.