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Final Approach
Feb 22, 2005
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OK, I'm going to FRG. Please, anyone with IFR experience there give me a helpful hint. I really would like to avoid overwater routing.

This will be from KFDK

File V1 or V16 for the last segment of your route. They'll give you that for flights in to CT airports from the south - they might let you do it for an FRG arrival as well.
File V1 or V16 for the last segment of your route. They'll give you that for flights in to CT airports from the south - they might let you do it for an FRG arrival as well.

+1. Something like [SIZE=-1]EMI V268 ENO V16 CYN V1 JFK [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]should work and will keep you over land except from the time you are abeam COL until reaching the south shore (rockaway beach). That seems to be a fairly common routing to FRG according to

When we came back from the Wings FlyBQ, we were able to negotiate DIXIE V16 JFK (then V229 BDR) and it seemed to work well.
I go up V16 out of KANP but from your side that is kind of out of the way. Coming in from the southwest I can't imagine they would send you out over the water very far if at all.
EMI V268 ENO V16 CYN V1 JFK is standard routing up there, and they'll tag on an extra route from JFK.

Be vewwy vewwy careful not to cancel IFR until you're talking to FRG tower. NY approach often dumps people on flight following right outside the FRG D space and they (I) bust the D space while trying to contact FRG. Don't let this happen to you!
OK, I'm going to FRG. Please, anyone with IFR experience there give me a helpful hint. I really would like to avoid overwater routing.

This will be from KFDK


Fly to the Hudson corridor, at the east end drop down below 500' and stay just off the beach an you can transition under the shelf and then head up to FRG. Look at the NY TAC chart, it shows you how to do a simple transition.

EDIT, Ooop, sorry you wanted IFR...
When we came back from the Wings FlyBQ, we were able to negotiate DIXIE V16 JFK (then V229 BDR) and it seemed to work well.

That's what we get coming in to New Haven, too. The first time I did it, we came over JFK at 4 or 5 in the afternoon on a weekday. They vectored us in a descending turn around the airport - fantastic view as things ramped up for the afternoon rush. :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the advice! Any idea how high they'll let me be as I cross the water on V1? I just want to know if I need to carry a life preserver! One of my passengers can't swim.

I'd prefer to be high, and spiral down over KFRG, if needed.

Also, anyone familiar with KFRG? Tie-downs, etc?
Thanks for all the advice! Any idea how high they'll let me be as I cross the water on V1? I just want to know if I need to carry a life preserver! One of my passengers can't swim.

I'd prefer to be high, and spiral down over KFRG, if needed.


We went over JFK at 7,000 the last time but still had some time left on our route up to OXC. Landing at FRG, I would plan on that they'll descend you to go over the top of JFK at 4,000 or 5,000.

Also, anyone familiar with KFRG? Tie-downs, etc?

Last time I went to FRG I used Sheltair and they were awesome. Free crew car for the whole day.
The FBOs are competitive for service and overnights. But there is an Atlantic on field, so you know what the price range is.... :(
ARD V276 DIXIE V16 JFK D-> you can cross the water around 7 and they will bring you down to 4 once over JFK. Plus it really isn't a lot of water from DIXIE to JFK
Thanks for all the advice! Any idea how high they'll let me be as I cross the water on V1? I just want to know if I need to carry a life preserver! One of my passengers can't swim.

Just because you know how to swim, doesn't mean you'll be able to. Especially if the ditching doesn't go well. Doesn't hurt to have the life preservers.
Thanks for all the advice! Any idea how high they'll let me be as I cross the water on V1? I just want to know if I need to carry a life preserver! One of my passengers can't swim.

I'd prefer to be high, and spiral down over KFRG, if needed.


I would expect 5000, but I've only flowing V1 over JFK a few times. It seems to depend on what Kennedy is doing, and how they can deconflict you with that traffic. Coming to KHVN, they seem to get us down in the vicinity of JFK, so they can spit us out north-east bound underneath the arrival streams. By the time we're abeam FRG, we're at 3000. Don't expect them to be flexible with altitudes in the terminal area, though - I don't see them letting you spiral down over FRG, but I could well be wrong.

On the subject of V1, the last time I flew that route, we were filed V1 to JFK, then V229 to BDR. Somewhere over Maryland, we got an amended clearance that basically did nothing other than change our cleared airway to V16.:dunno:
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Thanks guys! Anyone know about tie downs or hangar space for a couple nights up there?