Foreign National Flight Student


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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As a newly-minted CFI, I wish to put my ticket to use, of course. We now have a contractor who comes here fairly frequently, and in talking with him expressed interest in learning to fly. Furthermore, he's interested in learning from me.

Only catch - he's a citizen of India rather than the US. He's got his green card, has been living and working here for years, etc. I know that plenty of foreign nationals have learned to fly in this country legally, even post-9/11. So, what do I need to do as a CFI and what does he need to do as a student to make it all legit? My instructor saw my US passport before my first lesson and endorsed my logbook accordingly.
And this quarter's FAASTEAM CFI workshops cover TSA. Find one on SPANS and get a head start on your CFI renewal! Be a good networking opportunity for you too, Ted.