Foreflight Update out of cycle


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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FF user heads-up.

Airport DB update 20 March 2012.

I wish they could trigger badge alerts for updates...
I got one....

Only if you launch the App.

I mean the type other Apps use that are sent to the device when the App is not open.

Example: Apple App Store badge alert activates if there are updates to installed Apps.
"All Apps are up to date"
recycle Apps program->
"All Apps are up to date"
Open FF -> More button:
Download available.
20sec dl and install here.
"All Apps are up to date"
recycle Apps program->
"All Apps are up to date"
Open FF -> More button:
Download available.
20sec dl and install here.

Correct. You have to do that before EVERY flight when you're on good bandwidth. With both an iPad and an iPhone to update, you launch at least one of them to "make sure" and then launch the other one if there's an update.

The new iPad version moving the "Downloads" off of the bottom of the screen means an extra step to get to them to check, also... so I start with the iPhone. "Downloads" got bumped off the main screen by the (very nice) "Documents".