Forced Landing, on Tape


Management Council Member
Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
One of the members over at the Beechtalk board was holding short of Rwy29 at Syney Bankstown, and taped this forced landing (I don't know why they call it a "crash"; perhaps not so sensitive to the use of that term as we are?).
That was a lot of bank so close to the "landing"... Glad they made it down, but wow, that's some brown shorts!
One of the members over at the Beechtalk board was holding short of Rwy29 at Syney Bankstown, and taped this forced landing (I don't know why they call it a "crash"; perhaps not so sensitive to the use of that term as we are?).

I suppose the pilot should be commended for surviving an emergency landing but it sure looked like he was on the verge of an unnecessary serious injury.
That was a lot of bank so close to the "landing"... Glad they made it down, but wow, that's some brown shorts!

On the ragged edge for sure, he's lucky. Looks like a case of "I-got-to-make-the-runway-itis". IMHO he should have recognized he was not going to make the runway and just land on the grass.

However, any landing you can walk away from......
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I suppose the pilot should be commended for surviving an emergency landing but it sure looked like he was on the verge of an unnecessary serious injury.

Agree. A hell of a rough landing. The fact that it was grass certainly helped. Way too much runway'get'there'itis. Lucky he didn't hook that wing.
On the ragged edge for sure, he's lucky. Looks like a case of "I-got-to-make-the-runway-itis". IMHO he should have recognized he was not going to make the runway and just land on the grass.

However, any landing you can walk away from......

Heck, he may even be able to use the plane again.

Once they determine why the engine quit, of course...
My thoughts where" man i hope all cherokee are built that strong . Hard out of shape landing and he didn"t even bend the landing gear. GLAD I OWN A CHEROKEE/WARRIOR
Dave G