Footprints in the sand


Final Approach
Apr 19, 2011
Olympic Peninsula
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Forty two years ago, Buzz Aldrin took this photo of the area outside the lunar module after returning from their first walk on the moon:

Forty two years ago, Buzz Aldrin took this photo of the area outside the lunar module after returning from their first walk on the moon:

The flag! It's waving in the breeze! Aaaaggghhhhh!!!!! The moon landing was a hoax!
How far we have come since then ... in television, if not in manned space exploration. I took these photos of our round-format color TV screen, as it was happening.


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How far we have come since then ... in television, if not in manned space exploration. I took these photos of our round-format color TV screen, as it was happening.

We had a modern 19" Sears B&W we watched it on, it had a square picture & everything!
I watched it a couple weeks ago on Transformers IMAX 3D
Look at all those disgusting footprints on that pristine surface.

I dare anyone to do that again.
Please. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Oh, even Bueller left and doesn't want to try.
Ah, the glory days when people actually cared about aviation, scientific discovery, and the human endeavor.
Well, it must've been love, but it's oooooover nooooooooow.
Now we have slick gadgets that pass for innovation.
Really, everything important in the modern world was invented in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. What we get now is a stream of novelty products, the proverbial new, shiny icing on the decades-old cake. Constant improvement and refinement, perhaps, but nothing truly groundbreaking.
Ah, the glory days when people actually cared about aviation, scientific discovery, and the human endeavor.
Well, it must've been love, but it's oooooover nooooooooow.
Now we have slick gadgets that pass for innovation.
Really, everything important in the modern world was invented in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. What we get now is a stream of novelty products, the proverbial new, shiny icing on the decades-old cake. Constant improvement and refinement, perhaps, but nothing truly groundbreaking.
Come on that is very cynical. Why we are in the middle of the wireless information age!

We now have gadgets that make it easier and faster to download porn and annoy people in restaurants than any society had ever imagined! That has got to count for something?
Come on that is very cynical. Why we are in the middle of the wireless information age!

We now have gadgets that make it easier and faster to download porn and annoy people in restaurants than any society had ever imagined! That has got to count for something?
I concede your points about porn and annoyance. In the bad old days, the only way to really annoy people in a restaurant was to be offensively loud and vomiting drunk. Maybe while waving around a tattered copy of Hustler.
Come on that is very cynical. Why we are in the middle of the wireless information age!

We now have gadgets that make it easier and faster to download porn and annoy people in restaurants than any society had ever imagined! That has got to count for something?

What technology am I missing out on?
And smoking!!!
Here I must disagree. The smell of smoke disguised the pervasive smell of the vomiting drunks.
You try going into a bar in Chicago on a Friday, say Duffy's on Diversey, and tell me that you'd rather wade through the fratboy vomit miasma than the delicate scent of fresh tobacco smoke.
Here I must disagree. The smell of smoke disguised the pervasive smell of the vomiting drunks.
You try going into a bar in Chicago on a Friday, say Duffy's on Diversey, and tell me that you'd rather wade through the fratboy vomit miasma than the delicate scent of fresh tobacco smoke.
Vomit or tobacco remnants?????


You know I think I am going to have to go with vomit. You see when you get a wiff of vomit it does not get into your clothes and hair and cause you to stink until you get home, burn your clothes, and bath with a scrub brush. Nor does breathing second hand vomit smell cause one to get ill.

Funny story. This last March at UIUC's un-official weekend when all the undergrads get drunk and puke. I was walking to my car from the GSLIS building, which is near the famous vomitorium called Kams. A undergrad visitor, hoping to make himself famous by drinking himself into oblivion asked me for direction to Kams. Without batting an eye I said walk to the intersection, turn left and follow the smell of stale beer, urine and vomit. He actually thanked me for that and walked straight towards the bar. BTW he was drunk already and it was only 4pm.
Come on that is very cynical. Why we are in the middle of the wireless information age!

We now have gadgets that make it easier and faster to download porn and annoy people in restaurants than any society had ever imagined! That has got to count for something?
And all these gadgets had their roots in the 30's, 40's and 50's. They've just become better over time.
A undergrad visitor, hoping to make himself famous by drinking himself into oblivion asked me for direction to Kams. Without batting an eye I said walk to the intersection, turn left and follow the smell of stale beer, urine and vomit. He actually thanked me for that and walked straight towards the bar. BTW he was drunk already and it was only 4pm.

Ahhh, those were the days. Carefree and stupid. How I miss them......
Come on that is very cynical. Why we are in the middle of the wireless information age!

No. We are deep in the Money Age. No one can see past their wallets thus anything like going to the moon is out.

What was it the weird guy running a world in Dr Who with Tom Baker as the Doctor said? "money money money, greed greed greed, more more more." He made Scrooge look like a tenth rate nothing that didn't know accounting.
I wonder what major technology changes we'll see in the NEXT 50 years.... hard for me to imagine.
Your cell phone will be an AT&T chip implanted in your brain. The government will use it to track your movements through the SPS (Spacial Positioning System) AND read your thoughts, so you can be tried for thought crimes BEFORE they happen.
Of all those who walked on the moon, the youngest will be 76 years old in October.


Alt (hover) text: "The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go into space--each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision."

Sigh. :frown2:
Air doesn't smell right without smoke in it.
--Fred Reed

This is something modern people often forget. Up until the last 40 years or so, people generally did not bathe daily, and heating with coal and oil was common. As a result, the smell of tobacco was an improvement, not an "odor" to be eliminated.

It is amazing how far we have come. Nowadays, it's possible to detect the smell of a cigarette emanating from a car driving past. That was impossible until very recently.
Alt (hover) text: "The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go into space--each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision."


"Damned kid monkeys don't have a lick of sense in the whole lot of'em. Never could understand why they want to climb down out of this tree and go climb up the tree over there or even why they would want to walk on the ground down there with the tigers in the first place. This tree has everything they could ever possibly want in life, just look at all the leaves we can pay each other with..."

Fast forward half a billion years:

"hey, look at that moon up there, wonder what it's like to go there..."
"shut up kid and count your all mighty powerful money that's more important than all creation..."

On the whole, I am pretty sure I'm ashamed of the human species.
It is amazing how far we have come. Nowadays, it's possible to detect the smell of a cigarette emanating from a car driving past. That was impossible until very recently.

(Thread drift alert)

One of the worst things about riding a motorcycle is being behind some gomer smoking his cigar. puke.

Alt (hover) text: "The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go into space--each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision."

Sigh. :frown2:

"sensible", "irrational"?

Those two words should be reversed.
Ah, the glory days when people actually cared about aviation, scientific discovery, and the human endeavor.
Well, it must've been love, but it's oooooover nooooooooow.
Now we have slick gadgets that pass for innovation.
Really, everything important in the modern world was invented in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. What we get now is a stream of novelty products, the proverbial new, shiny icing on the decades-old cake. Constant improvement and refinement, perhaps, but nothing truly groundbreaking.

We can't afford it. Government evil. You can't take my tax money, it is mine, I earned it.
We can't afford it. Government evil. You can't take my tax money, it is mine, I earned it.
Ah, I see how you cleverly attempted to turn this into a political thread with your insightful leftist sarcasm.
Well played.
Ah, I see how you cleverly attempted to turn this into a political thread with your insightful leftist sarcasm.
Well played.

It's not political, it's generational. Previous generations sacrificed for the good of future generations. They patriotically paid their taxes to build our nation and its infrastructure.

But the overwhelming majority of my generation (the baby boomers) cares nothing about anything save for their own pocketbooks. And we are the generation in DC these days...and it shows.

If this country survives it will be in spite of my generation, not because of us.

Yes, Billy, we DID start the fire.
Lots of people looking through rose-colored glasses about the past again...
Lots of people looking through rose-colored glasses about the past again...

Even more people are totally unable to see past their wallets no matter what kind of glasses they wear.

Money is just a tool and nothing more. It is not the whole point of all existence. People have forgotten that.

Back to your regularly scheduled uninspired tree full of self indulgent nearsighted money chasing monkeys...
Even more people are totally unable to see past their wallets no matter what kind of glasses they wear.

Money is just a tool and nothing more. It is not the whole point of all existence. People have forgotten that.
You must know a different set of people than I do.
Come on that is very cynical. Why we are in the middle of the wireless information age!

We now have gadgets that make it easier and faster to download porn and annoy people in restaurants than any society had ever imagined! That has got to count for something?

Hmm, downloading porn in restaurants. I never thought of that!