Flying the Caribbean (Part 7) - to Nevis -- Hopping Off and On Islands


Line Up and Wait
Jul 31, 2017
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A lovely one hour flight Dominica to Nevis. Takeoff to spec and awesome scenery.

With the airfield at Dominica a bit on the short side and the largest rocks on the southend, we had a concern for a southerly wind... fortunately, winds were calm this day. Still made sure to check the 70%/50% rule... and our trusty steed did well. What would be your strategy or decision with winds 010@10 at TDCF (3130')?

Thoughts, questions, and suggestions? I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for your insight and enjoy the video!
Wayne, the GeezerGeek Pilot
Thanks, Jim. In choosing the stop overs (indeed there are literally thousands of possibilities) we prioritized:
  • tranquility (e.g. few or no cruise ships; low tourist profile)
  • customs
  • avgas
  • culture & attractions (emphasis on outdoor)
Here's a spreadsheet we used for planning (see the Candidate Stops tab). A bit more detail in the Part 1 video.
Sure is nice to watch your videos as the snow and wind beat against my window!!! Excellent videos...thank!
Sure is nice to watch your videos as the snow and wind beat against my window!!! Excellent videos...thank!
Jim, thanks for watching... and spring will be coming soon (?) to Colorado! The final two Caribbean trip episodes will be posted over the next week or so.
Best regards and safe flying,