Flying the Caribbean (Part 6) - to Dominica -- An unspoiled, unheralded gem of an island


Line Up and Wait
Jul 31, 2017
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A simple two-hour flight from BVI to Dominica. A few broken cloud layers and a short field with terrain at each end await us.

Rather than the 4-to-8 flight-hour days of previous episodes, this time we get to devote more video time to in-cockpit details and decision making.

I had practiced the visual approach at TDCF to runway 19 on the home sim, but seeing the terrain and houses up the hillside in real life was an added pleasant thrill. What are your thoughts on the "45 degree angled to the numbers" short final flown here (at 0:04 and 11:30)? Other suggestions/observations?

Thoughts, questions, and suggestions? I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for your insight and enjoy the video!
Wayne, the GeezerGeek Pilot