Flying in Florida during August?

Laughed at GPS outage areas being defined by VOR radials. What are those again?
Thought it was going to be a thread about thunderstorms, or sweating in the plane.
Worse is holding short waiting for IFR release. At least with taxiing there is some air flow.
I've seen a many IFR guys down here just call up the tower from inside the FBO to get the clearance then go out to the airplane on avoid having to leave the AC :)
Not a bad idea, though getting the flight plan opened at PGD takes at most a minute or two and usually I will ask to taxi to the runway while waiting. The long wait is waiting to get clearance to take off, and for that I have to be at the runway holding short and sweating.
There's a reason why I think more Pipers have air conditioning than any other manufacture. They're playing to the home crowd.
Can someone please explain why this kind of testing can't be done on a ship several hundred miles from anywhere that people are depending on GPS?

I'm gonna use a symbol that I think sums it up........ $