Flying Humans, Hoping to Land With No Chute


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 15, 2007
Upstate New York
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Geek on the Hill
Interesting article:

These people want to jump from helicopters with "wing suits" on and land without parachutes. Probably not a good idea for people who tend not to learn new skills on the first try.

You'll probably need a NY Times account to read it, if you don't already have one. It's free.

natural selection comes to mind.

be pretty cool if they pull it off though, even once.
I don't think they'll have a problem fact I'm fairly confident they'll be successful in that accord. It's the living through the landing that they may have some issues with.
These guys have got to have some stones big enough to drop down and roll in on for landing so, no problem!
...and I have no confidence that one successful landing gives you that much of an advantage for the next. There is no second try after an unsuccessful landing! The times article said that the boz.... er pilot was expecting a h-speed of 75 and a v-speed of 30 mph on landing. One technique is to land on an incline and slide to a stop. :hairraise:

They even mentioned that this is one stunt that Evil Kneivel dared not try. That should tell you something about the risk involved!

It'll truly be a test of whether a good landing is one you can walk away from.
Here's what you do.
1. Instead of flare, 10ft agl yaw left 90*
2. Tuck & roll
3. Enjoy the ride. :D
I don't think they'll have a problem fact I'm fairly confident they'll be successful in that accord. It's the living through the landing that they may have some issues with.

Aint that the truth!