Flying Club in Vegas


Nov 25, 2015
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Looking to be part of a flying club at VGT, but not having much luck finding one. I've found one so far (EAA, 1 plane). With so many aircraft based at VGT, seems like there would be more than one. Anyone have information on other clubs in North Las Vegas? I know there are two more (at least) at HND, but trying to avoid the 1+ hour drive to get there.

Thanks in advance...
Talk to the mechanic(s) on the field, assuming there are any. If anybody knows the planes and owners, they would.
Don't know the mechanics, but I do know one of the flight school owners. I'll give him a call. Thanks.
if you can't find a club, why don't you start one? Find 3-4 people who want to fly and get a plane. After a few years, add another plane and more members. Rinse, wash, repeat.

My suggestion is that you collectively fund the plane and get your shares back from the club as discounted flight time - basically you sell the plane to the club little by little. Once you've used up your time, you start paying the regular usage fee for the plane. It is a way to kick start a club and to give the club some finances.

Considered that, however, I'm getting ready to retire in a year and unless I can secure a job by then, my income will be chopped by 60%, ruling out any ability to pay for a plane. Additionally, I'll be moving immediately after retirement. Starting a club is a non-starter for me right now, although I'm interested in starting one eventually. I also considered partnership and other methods, but since my timeline is short and I need to be able to bail on the plane at retirement, it appears my best option is a club until I can guarantee post-retirement income. My overall need is to remain current over the course of the next year to ensure I qualify for several jobs I'm applying for. Buying is currently not an option and renting at normal rates is starting to get ridiculous.
Can you come up with $3500 and 9 other people? That gets you a low end Warrior.

Or confess that you don't have the money for you'll pay full price for your flight time. Those who pay for the airplane get the discounted rate until they get their money back. It's all accounting.
Probably could find the people and money, just didn't want to put the time and effort into getting all these guys together just to pull chocks in 12 months. If I was going to be around a little longer...
If you qualify, and if Nellis has an Aero Club, you could do that. Not sure Nellis has one though.
If you qualify, and if Nellis has an Aero Club, you could do that. Not sure Nellis has one though.

No aero club at Nellis.

We have a soaring club at Jean, NV. Weekends only right now.