Flying Club (DA40/C182/PA28) shares available


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Now that my club has a DA40 and is back up to three airplanes, we have additional shares available. We're based at KMSN, Dane County Regional/Truax Field in Madison, WI and have been in existence for over 50 years.

We have 3 IFR, GPS (with current databases), autopilot equipped airplanes:

1) 2006 DA40/G1000, N569DS. KAP140 autopilot, GDL69A datalink, speed gear, long range tanks (50 gal), premium interior, cockpit convenience package, 4-way baggage compartment, XLS canopy. Useful load 795, full fuel payload 495, payload w/4 hours of fuel 555. Currently $135 per tach hour, wet.


2) 1971 C182/G, N271G. Garmin 430W GPS, S-TEC 50 2-axis autopilot with GPS Steering, JPI engine monitor, Garmin 340 audio panel, long range tanks (79 gal), 2003? interior, 2005 paint. Useful load 1213, full fuel payload 739, payload w/4 hours of fuel 901. Currently $127 per tach hour, wet.


3) 1977 Piper PA28-181 Archer, N8483F. Apollo GX55 IFR GPS, Piper Autocontrol IIB autopilot, PS Engineering audio panel. Useful load 1006, full fuel payload 718, payload with fuel to tabs (3.4 hours) 802. Currently $106 per tach hour, wet.


(Sorry, the Gulfstream is NOT ours. ;))

Monthly dues are $180 which includes your first $50 of flying, so if you fly each month it's effectively $130/month. Hourly rates include reserves for engine overhauls and upgrades. Tach hours are relative to the speed the engine is running, so you can generally fly about 1.2 hours for every tach hour you're paying for on a long VFR cross country. Shooting approaches and doing pattern work, you can fly significantly more time for each hour you're paying for. No more paying full rate for taxi time either!

Club shares are currently for sale for $1500, and the share is yours to sell for whatever price you set when you leave the club, pending approval of the new member by the board.

Members must either be at least Private Pilots, or Student Pilots who have soloed and have at least 25 hours of total time.

Scheduling is done online via, and you get your own keys to the airplanes. Availability is phenomenal - In 6 years with the club, there has been only one occasion where I wanted to fly and there were no planes available, and only a handful where I didn't get the specific airplane I wanted.

There are very few restrictions: You can land on grass and/or private airstrips (provided they are FAA-recognized private strips), there's only a 1-hour-per-overnight minimum, etc. Other than that, just follow the FAR's.

All aircraft are hangared, and the FBO's line personnel will take them out and put them away 24 hours a day. This is especially nice in the winter, you can preflight in the hangar and then have them tow you out while you sit inside the airplane. That allows you to take advantage of the excellent performance found in winter flying without having to be out in the cold very much.

Insurance covers all club members as named insured. No renter's insurance needed! (Deductible on the club policy is only $500, which you are responsible for if you bend an airplane.)

Any questions, feel free to PM, email flyingcheesehead at mac dot com or call four one four tree zero fife two four four seven.


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Great looking aircraft, and the club appears to be really sound and well put together. Best of luck to you and the club!
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If anyone is interested, we're having an open house this Saturday, October 16th from 10 AM to 1 PM. Wisconsin Aviation (East ramp) at KMSN. Come by, check out the planes, meet other club members, and maybe catch breakfast/lunch at the Jet Room.

And if you do come by, please track me down and introduce yourself! :yes:
Forgot to report back - We had an excellent open house, with enough people there to keep me and almost a dozen others busy talking to people for quite a while. I also got to meet a couple of PoA lurker/podcast listener/social media type people - Cool!

Then, I taxied the plane back to the south ramp the long way - Via KLNR. :rofl:

That makes the third weekend in a row I've flown the new bird. Up to 18.3 hours in her in the scant three weeks since we picked her up. I think I'm addicted. :yes:
Makes me wish I was back home as well...Go Pack GO!
I'd kill for a club like this in my area..
Makes me wish I lived out there....

I sure wish there was a club like this around here.

Makes me wish I was back home as well...Go Pack GO!

I'd kill for a club like this in my area..

Jeez, I think some of you need to move to Madison or something. :yes:

BTW, I did an analysis a few days ago of what the new bird is costing people per Hobbs hour (since we bill by Tach, not Hobbs, you can log more than one hour for each hour you pay for):

Average Hobbs:Tach ratio since the plane left the factory: 1.36, cost per Hobbs hour would only be $101.70.
Since we got the plane: Ratio 1.44, hourly Hobbs rate $95.54/hr.
The worst ratio is generally VFR cross country flying. So far, ratio 1.23, hourly $112.24.
Non-training flights so far: Ratio 1.35, hourly $101.88.
Training flights are amazingly economical. Ratio 1.61, hourly $85.90.

So... Anyone moving yet? ;)
Wow, those numbers look great. Is the iG1000 panel thrown in? :D I can't rent a DA-20-C1 here in PA for that.
Wow, those numbers look great. Is the iG1000 panel thrown in? :D I can't rent a DA-20-C1 here in PA for that.

Well, only 1/3 of the iG1000 is included. The club does not own any iPads or iPhones. ;) Though I suppose that since the i is only 1/6 of the iG1000, that 83% of the iG1000 (the G1000 part) is included. ;)

But yes, the DA40 is even more of a steal when you consider the Hobbs/Tach differential. Heck, it's cheaper than a new-ish (ie post production restart) but still steam-gauge 172 at the local FBO.
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The deal just got sweeter - The board has authorized a discount of 20% on the share sale price through the end of the year. Get in now for $1200!

After my recent trip to Texas, I'm already up to over 50 hours time in type on the DA40, 45 of it in our new bird in the last 7 weeks. :D
BTW, I did an analysis a few days ago of what the new bird is costing people per Hobbs hour (since we bill by Tach, not Hobbs, you can log more than one hour for each hour you pay for):

Average Hobbs:Tach ratio since the plane left the factory: 1.36, cost per Hobbs hour would only be $101.70.
Since we got the plane: Ratio 1.44, hourly Hobbs rate $95.54/hr.
The worst ratio is generally VFR cross country flying. So far, ratio 1.23, hourly $112.24.
Non-training flights so far: Ratio 1.35, hourly $101.88.
Training flights are amazingly economical. Ratio 1.61, hourly $85.90.

Okay, I finally calculated what my recent trip to Texas in the DA40 cost (yeah, I know, bad idea, but I can't help it - I'm naturally curious!)

The total trip cost was $2,228.42 - And that breaks down to $107.14 per Hobbs hour and 97.65 cents per nautical mile. :goofy:
So... Anyone moving yet? ;)

This is bad... really bad...

Though I've never actually lived in the mid-west, my Dad's entire side of the family is from Minnesota. I've spent plenty of time in Minnesota... I very nearly went to UofW Madison (they accepted me but I turned them down for a school I ended up enjoying a lot less than I think I would have enjoyed Madison). We even own a damn lake cabin up there that we get to see 3 weeks a year right now... It's been a dream for the last 5 years or so to move out/up there (anywhere in MN/WI would be just peachy with me). Hell, I even dropped around $3000 to go see the Packers at Lambau before Brett left.

Now I see this post, so I get curious. There's actually an awesome state job in Madison that I'm superbly qualified for.

Next step, I find a house that looks incredible, and even after we took a bath in the Northern Virginia housing market, I still think we could sell our house and have enough for a downpayment on the house I found in Madison.

If I tell my wife we're moving to Madison so I can fly for cheap, I think she might divorce me. How are the schools? That might sell her. :devil:
This is bad... really bad...

Though I've never actually lived in the mid-west, my Dad's entire side of the family is from Minnesota. I've spent plenty of time in Minnesota... I very nearly went to UofW Madison (they accepted me but I turned them down for a school I ended up enjoying a lot less than I think I would have enjoyed Madison). We even own a damn lake cabin up there that we get to see 3 weeks a year right now... It's been a dream for the last 5 years or so to move out/up there (anywhere in MN/WI would be just peachy with me). Hell, I even dropped around $3000 to go see the Packers at Lambau before Brett left.

Now I see this post, so I get curious. There's actually an awesome state job in Madison that I'm superbly qualified for.

Next step, I find a house that looks incredible, and even after we took a bath in the Northern Virginia housing market, I still think we could sell our house and have enough for a downpayment on the house I found in Madison.

If I tell my wife we're moving to Madison so I can fly for cheap, I think she might divorce me. How are the schools? That might sell her. :devil:

Well, Wisconsin schools have the highest graduation rates in the country... And the Middleton and Waunakee districts are highly ranked in the Madison area. Waunakee has a little airpark with a paved runway right in town and right near the high school too, so if you get yourself a bird someday, you can live the dream there! 6P3 is the identifier (it's public).

Plus, the Madison area is consistently ranked as one of the best places to live...

Nice planes and great rates! I'm paying that much for a -172 with a VFR GPS (minus the monthly dues of course).
Nice planes and great rates! I'm paying that much for a -172 with a VFR GPS (minus the monthly dues of course).

Hmmm... I'll have to adjust that, the rates are about $10-15 higher now with the higher cost of fuel. However, it's going down, and I know we knocked the fuel surcharge down for this month, I'm just not sure what the actual rates are at the moment... Around $140 for the faster birds and $110-115 for the Archer I think. But, that is tach time and it's still a good deal. :yes:
I am visiting Madison for 8 days, starting next week (5th through the 13th). I will probably have some downtime on the weekend (or maybe an evening) and would love to meet some fellow PoA'ers.